Nasal Cavity, Paranasal Sinuses and Palate Flashcards
Lecture 10
the skeleton of the external nose is largely _________
where is cartilage attached
attached to the nasal bones in the bridge of the nose and the maxillae
nasal cavity is divided into two cavities by the
nasal septum
superior border
cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone
anterior border
nasal bones
inferior border
hard palate
lateral border
maxilla + ethmoid bone (superior & middle concha) + inferior concha
posterior border
nasal cavity is continuous with nasopharnyx
nasal conchae
on the lateral walls
as air passes over the mucous membrane of the conchae it is heated to body temperature, humidified and filtered
superior and middle conchae are extensions of
the ethmoid bone
inferior concha
a separate bone and is the largest of the three
nasal meatuses
beneath each concha is a meatus: superior, middle and inferior meatus
what are paranasal sinuses
air-filled spaces in the facial bones surrounding the nasal cavity
what are the four paired paranasal sinuses
frontal sinus (in the frontal bone)
maxillary sinus (in the body of the maxilla; largest sinus)
ethmoid sinus
sphenoid sinus
ethmoid sinuses
anterior, middle, posterior; in the ethmoid bone, at the roof of the nose
sphenoid sinus
in the body of the sphenoid bone
paranasal sinuses drain into the ____ ______ and deliver _____
nasal cavity
delivers clean mucous into the nose
mucous helps to
humidify the air and trap dust and dirt
sinuses functions
make our head lighter than it would be if it were solid bone
protect eyes and brain by absorbing energy as they fracture
drain into the meatuses of the nasal cavity
opening into the superior meatus
posterior ethmoidal sinus
opening into the middle meatus
in the hiatus semilunaris: frontal sinus, maxillary sinus, anterior ethmoidal sinus
on the bulla: middle ethmoidal sinus
opening into the inferior meatus
nasolacrimal duct
opening into the sphenoethmoidal recess
sphenoid sinus
general sensory innervation of the nasal cavity
branches of V1 (nasociliary nerve) and branches of V2 (nasopalatine nerve)
special sensation of smell innervation of the nasal cavity
from the mucous membrane in the roof of the nasal cavity: CN I (olfactory nerve)
parasympathetic innervation of the nasal cavity
pterygopalatine ganglion and its nerves supply the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, keeps it moist
blood supply of the nasal cavity
mostly from the sphenopalatine artery (branch of maxillary artery)
palate separates
the nasal cavity from the oral cavity
palate consists of
hard palate and soft palate
hard palate is formed by the
palatine processes of the two maxillae (L + R) and two palatine bones (L + R)
muscles of the soft palate
tensor veli palatini
levator veli palatini
attaches to soft palate (inferiorly) and tongue; forms palatoglossal arch, depresses the palate
innervated by CN X (Vagus nerve)
attaches to soft palate (inferiorly) and the wall of pharynx; forms palatopharyngeal arch, depresses the palate
innervated by CN X (Vagus)
tensor veli palatini
attaches to the soft palate (superiorly) and sphenoid bone, tenses soft palate; also opens Eustachian tube
innervated by V3
levator veli palatini
attaches to the soft palate (superiorly) and temporal bone
elevates soft palate
innervated by CN X (Vagus)
palatoglossus muscle covered by mucous membrane forms
palatoglossal arch
palatopharyngeus muscle covered by mucous membrane forms
palatopharyngeal arch
masses of lymphoid tissue located in the oral cavity and pharynx
part of the lymphatic system; also act as part of the immune system and fight infections = tonsilitis
what are the 4 tonsils
palatine tonsils
lingual tonsils
pharyngeal tonsils
tubal tonsils
palatine tonsils
between palatoglossal and palatopharyngeal arches
lingual tonsils
posteriorly on the dorsal surface of the tongue
pharyngeal tonsils
on the posterior wall of the nasopharynx
tubal tonsils
in nasopharynx, posterior to the opening of the Eustachian tube
sensory innervation to the palate
supplied by the maxillary nerve (V2) of the trigeminal nerve
greater palatine nerve
lesser palatine nerve
nasopalatine nerve
greater palatine nerve supplies
hard palate
lesser palatine nerve supplies
soft palate
blood supply to the palate
from the maxillary artery:
greater palatine artery
lesser palatine artery