Nasal Cavity and Paranasal Sinuses Flashcards
Name the bones that form the roof of the nasal cavity?
- nasal
- frontal
- ethmoid (cribriform plate)
- sphenoid (body)
> Cribriform plate transmits olfactory nerves
Name the bones that make up the floor of the nasal cavity?
- palatine processes of maxillary bones
- horizontal plate of palatine bone
> Contains incisive foramen – transmits nasopalatine nerve & sphenopalatine artery
Name the bones that make up the medial wall (nasal septum) of the nasal cavity?
- septal cartilage
- peripendicular plate of ethmoid bone
- vomer
- Processes of palatine, maxillary, frontal, sphenoid and nasal bones
Name the bones that make up the lateral wall of the nasal cavity?
- nasal bone
- frontal process & nasal surface of maxilla
- lacrimal bone
- peripendicular plate of palatine bone
- medial pterygoid plate of sphenoid bone
- Also formed by superior & inferior concha of ethmoid bone
Name and describe the structures and openings of the lateral wall?
- Sphenoethmoidal recess
– opening of sphenoid sinus - Superior meatus
– opening of posterior ethmoidal air cells - Middle meatus
– opening of frontal sinuses into infundibulum
– opening of middle ethmoidal sinuses into ethmoidal bulla
– openings of anterior ethmoidal air cells
– maxillary sinus in the hiatus semilunaris - Inferior meatus
– opening of nasolacrimal duct. - Sphenopalatine foramen
– opening of the pterygopalatine fossa
> Transmits the sphenopalatineartery and nasopalatine nerve
What are the subdivisions of the nasal cavity?
- vestibule
- respiratory region
- olfactory region
Describe the vestibule of the nasal cavity?
- Dilated part inside the nostril
- Bound by alar plate
- Lined by skin and hairs
Describe the respiratory region of the nasal cavity?
- consists of lower third of nasal cavity
- Warms, moistens & filters air with mucous membrane
Describe the olfactory region of the nasal cavity?
- Consists superior nasal concha and upper third of nasal septum
- Innervated by olfactory nerves
> convey sense of smell to olfactory bulb through cribriform plate of ethmoid bone
Describe the blood supply to the nasal cavity?
- Ophthalmic artery through – anterior & posterior branches of ethmoidal arteries on lateral wall.
- Posterior lateral nasal & posterior septal branches of sphenopalatine artery of maxillary artery
- Facial artery – through septal branch of superior labial artery & nasal branch
Describe the venous drainage of the nasal cavity?
Submucosal plexus of veins
- warms air
- drains the blood supplying the nose
- follows arteries
1. Sphenopalatone vein
> pterygoid plexus
> follow maxillary artery
2. Ophthalmic vein
> cavernous sinus
> follow ophthalmic artery
3. Facial vein
> jugular vein
> follow facial artery
Describe the lymphatic drainage of the nasal cavity?
Submandibular nodes
Retropharyngeal nodes
Deep cervical nodes then into jugular trunks
Describe the innervation of the nasal cavity?
Olfactory nerve
Opthalmic nerve; maxillary nerve via pterygopalatine ganglion; infrorbital nerve
Name the paranasal sinuses?
Ethmoidal sinus
Sphenoidal sinuses
> All open onto meatuses of lateral nasal wall or into sphenoethmoid recess
Describe the ethmoidal sinuses?
Have ethmoidal air cells within ethmoidal labyrinth between orbit & nasal cavity