Anatomy of the Larynx Flashcards
What is the larynx?
Where is it?
• Cartilaginous structure anterior to
• Connects pharynx to trachea
• At the level of C3 - C6
What are the functions of the larynx?
1. Acts as a sphincter, separating the lower respiratory system from the alimentary system
2. Voice production
Describe the laryngeal skeleton?
Consists of 9 cartilages joined by membranes and ligaments
• Three single cartilages:
1. Thyroid
2. Cricoid
3. Epiglottis
• Three paired cartilages:
1. Arytenoid
2. Corniculate
3. Cuneiform
Describe the thyroid cartilage?
- Largest
- Two plate-like Laminae fuse to form laryngeal prominence
- has superior thyroid notch (adam’s apple)
- Superior horns attach to the hyoid bone by thyrohyoid membrane
- Inferior horn attaches to cricoid cartilge
Describe the cricoid cartilage?
• Shaped like a signet ring (complete ring)
• The posterior part forms a lamina while the anterior part forms an arch
• Attaches the thyroid cartilage by median cricothyroid ligament and the trachea by cricotracheal ligament
Describe the epiglottis cartilage (elastic)?
• forms the anterior superior wall and margin of larynx inlet.
• Attaches to thyroid cartilage by thyroepiglottic ligament.
Describe the arytenoid cartilages?
Pairs of three sided pyramids
Articulate with superior border of the cricoid cartilage lamina
Describe the corniculate and cuneiform cartilages?
- Small nodules in the posterior part of the aryepiglottic folds.
What are the functions of vocal folds (true)?
- Control sound production
- Act as inspiratory sphincter
Each vocal cord comprises of?
Each vocal fold has:
1 A vocal ligament - medial free edge of the lateral cricothyroid ligament (conus elasticus)
2. A vocalis (vocal) muscle - medial part of the thyroarytenoid muscle
The glottis (vocal apparatus) comprises of?
- Vocal folds and processes
- The rima glottidis (aperture
between vocal folds)
Changes in the pitch of voice occurs due to variation in?
due to variation in:
1. tension and length of the vocal folds
2. width of the rima glottidis
3. intensity of expiry effort
Describe vestibular folds (false)?
Consists of two thick folds of mucous membrane
• Extend between the thyroid and the arytenoid cartilages
1. Rima vestibule - space lateral to vestibular folds
2. Ventricle of the larynx - lateral identation between the vocal and vestibular folds
What is the hyoepiglotic ligament?
Attaches the epiglottis to the hyoid bone.
What is the thyrohyoid ligament?
- Extends from thyroid cartilage to medial surface of the hyoid bone
Describe the laryngeal cavity and folds?
- Divided into three parts:
1. Vestibule - superior to the vestibular folds
2. The ventricle (laryngeal sinus) - between the vestibular and vocal folds
3. Infraglottic cavity - from the vocal folds to the inferior of the cricoid cartilages
The laryngeal muscles are divided into?
- Extrinsic muscles
- Intrinsic muscles
Name extrinsic laryngeal muscles and their functions?
- infrahyoid muscles - depresses hyoid bone and larynx
- Suprahyoid muscles - elevate hyoid bond and larynx
Name intrinsic laryngeal muscles and and their functions?
- Principal adductors
- lateral cricoarytenoid muscle
- transverse arytenoid muscles - Abductors
posterior cricoarytenoid muscles
Note: adductors and abductors move the vocal folds to open and close the rima glottidis - Sphincters
- Lateral cricooarytenoids (transverse and oblique) - Tensors:
- cricothyroids - Relaxers:
- thyroiarytenoid muscle . - Vocalis muscles
State the vasculature and lymph drainage of the larynx?
- Superior laryngeal artery - branches of superior thyroid arteries
- Inferior laryngeal artery - branches of inferior thyroid arteries
Veins: accompany arteries:
1. Superior laryngeal vein
2. Inferior laryngeal vein
Lymph vessels:
> Superior deep cervical lymph nodes
> pretracheal or paratracheal lymph nodes
> inferior deep cervical lymph nodes
State nerves to the larynx?
- Superior laryngeal nerve
branches into:
i. Internal laryngeal nerve
- sensory of the larynx
ii. External laryngeal nerve
- motor to the cricothyroid muscle - Inferior laryngeal nerve
- continuation of recurrent laryngeal nerve
- motor
- supply most muscles of the larynx
State consequences of fractures to the laryngeal skeleton?
- Submucous hemorrhage and edema
- Respiratory obstruction
- Hoarseness of the voice
What is a laryngoscopy?
Procedure used to examine the interior of the larynx
What is laryngitis?
Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx
What is laryngeal obstruction (choking)?
- Caused by Aspiration of Foreign Bodies
What is the valsalva maneuver?
Any forced expiration effort against a closed airway
What is a laryngotomy?
Operative opening of the larynx
Describe the consequences of injury to the laryngeal nerves?
Cause paralysis of vocal folds
- hoarseness of voice
Describe the ages changes of the larynx?
Grows steadily 3 - 12 years - no sex differences
At puberty: in males larynx cavity enlarges, vocal folds lengthen