Name that biome! 2 Flashcards
-decreases the deeper it goes
Open ocean
-grow only in surface waters(lots of light)
Kelp forests and coral reefs
- highly variable at high tide this is apparent turbidity in sediments
- art low tide there is full light intensity
Intertidal zones
- highly variable
- full sunlight at low tide
- limited sunlight at high tide due to turbine
Estuaries, salt marshes, and mangrow forests
-heavenly dependent on: riparian sone, stream with and turbot a
Rivers and streams
-decreases the deeper it goes
Open ocean
- help kelp forests restricted to colder waters
- corral reefs restricted to warm water tropics
Kelp forests and coral reefs
- dependent on latitude
- varies with air exposure
Intertidal zones
-dependent on latitudes even and ocean current
Estuaries, salt marshes, and mangrove forests
- varies daily and seasonally
- stratification is rare but can happen in ore pools
- influenced by gorundwater
Rivers and streams
Water movement(WM): -gyres and upwelling due to Coriolanus effect
Open ocean
-continuously washed by ocean currents (brings oxygen nutrient s and removes waste products)
Kelp forests and corral reefs
-two main types of tidal systems
- semidurnal tides: two low tides and two high tides per day
- diurnal: 1 low tide and 1 high tide per day
Intertidal zones
-carries ocean water in during high tide
—carries ocean water out during low tide
Estuaries, salt marshes, and mangrove forests
- considered a logical system: meaning water is moving vs. lentic ecosystems in which water is relatively still such as ponds and lakes
- unidirectional flow-some acceptions with eddies, backwaters and removing some format he florid megssas
- unidirectional flow: such as hitler and stalked because it is strongly inlfluenced strongly influenced by duddent velocity andfemperature
Rivers and streams