Myra Estrin Levine Flashcards
Born in Chicago in 1920 (Masters, 2012). She obtained a diploma from Cook County School of Nursing in 1944.
Myra Estrin Levine
Levine believed that the foundational belief of the sanctity of life provided the structure for all moral systems and that all of the efforts of the healing sciences were founded upon the holiness and wholeness of the human being.
Concepts of the Conservation Principle
She used the term conservation to label the framework because it was derived from the Latin word meaning “to keep together”
Concepts of the Conservation Principle
Levine viewed adaptation as the process by which conservation is achieved
Concepts of the Conservation Principle
The goal of the conservation model is to promote adaptation and maintain wholeness using the principles of conservation
Concepts of the Conservation Principle
Levine defined adaptation as the process whereby the patient maintains integrity within the realities of the environment; it is the result of interaction between the person and his internal and external environment
The physiological and behavioral responses of each individual are different under different conditions. Therefore, it is possible to anticipate certain kinds of reactions, but the individuality or uniqueness of responses vary.
Adaptation includes the following characteristics:
a. historicity
b. specificity
c. redundancy
Adaptation is a historical process, responses are based on past experiences and genetic pattern
a. historicity
Each system has very specific responses in relation to a particular challenge
b. specificity
Represents the options available to the individual to ensure continued adaptation; if one system does not adapt, another can take over
c. redundancy
It is the product of adaptation. It describes the way complex systems are able to continue to function even when severely challenged.
It is through conservation that persons are able to face challenges, adapt, and maintain their uniqueness
It focuses on achieving a balance of energy supply and demand within the biological realities unique to the individual
The goals of conservation model are achieved through interventions geared toward the “Four Conservation Principles”
The individual requires a balance of energy and a constant renewal of energy to maintain life activities
“Four Conservation Principles”
Conservation of Energy
It focuses on the healing process. It involves maintaining or restoring the structure of the body by preventing physical breakdown and promoting health. Nursing activities are geared towards limiting injury.
“Four Conservation Principles”
Conservation of Structural Integrity
includes recognition of the wholeness of each person; seeing the individual as one who strives for recognition, respect, self-awareness, and self-determination. It encompasses the ideas that self-worth and self-identity are important and, therefore, nurses should show patients respect.
“Four Conservation Principles”
Conservation of Personal Integrity
life gains meaning through social communities and health is socially determined. Individuals use their relationships to define themselves, and one’s identity is connected to his social circles (ex: family, community, workplace, school, religion).
“Four Conservation Principles”
Conservation of Social Integrity
Nurses fulfill professional roles and use interpersonal relationships to conserve social integrity.
“Four Conservation Principles”
Conservation of Social Integrity
wholeness emphasizes a sound, organic, progressive, mutuality between diversified functions and parts within an entirety, the boundaries of which are open and fluent.
Wholeness (Holism)
It exists when the interaction or constant adaptations to the environment permit ease.
Wholeness (Holism)
A holistic being; cannot be understood outside the context of the place and time in which he is functioning, or separated from the influence of everything that is happening around him.
Human beings that are continually adapting in their interactions with the environment. The process of adaptation results in conservation.
Levine Person
Socially determined by the ability to function in a reasonable manner
Levine Health
NOT just the absence of pathological
Levine Health
is return to self
The context in which we live our lives
Levine Environment
3 Aspects of Environment:
- Operational
- Perceptual
- Conceptual
Undetected natural forces that interrupt the individual
3 Aspects of Environment:
information that is recorded by the sensory organs
3 Aspects of Environment:
influenced by
language, culture, ideas, and cognition
3 Aspects of Environment:
Takes place wherever there is an individual who needs care to some degree
Levine Nursing
a human interaction; it becomes therapeutic when nursing interventions influences adaptation favorably or results to renewed social well being of the client
Levine Nursing