Joyce Travelbee Flashcards
She postulated the Interpersonal Aspects of Nursing Model.
Joyce Travelbee
She advocated the goal of nursing individuals or families in preventing or coping with illness, regaining health, finding meaning in illness, or maintaining maximal degree of health.
Joyce Travelbee
She further viewed that interpersonal process is a human-to-human relationship formed during illness and “experience of suffering.”
Joyce Travelbee
She believed that a person is a unique, irreplaceable individual who is in a continuous process of becoming, evolving and changing.
Joyce Travelbee
Travelbee based the assumptions of her theory on the concepts of existentialism by Soren Kierkegaard and logotherapy by Viktor Frankl
Human to Human Relationship Model
Existential theory believes that humans are constantly faced with choices and conflicts and are accountable to the choices we make in life.
Human-to-Human Relationship Model
An experience that varies in intensity, duration and depth … a feeling of unease, ranging from mild, transient mental, physical or mental discomfort to extreme pain and extreme tortured …”
Human-to-Human Relationship Model
is the reason as oneself attributes
Human-to-Human Relationship Model
is to help man to find meaning in the experience of illness and suffering; has a responsibility to help individuals and their families to find meaning.
Human-to-Human Relationship Model
The nurses’ spiritual and ethical choices, and perceptions of illness and suffering, is crucial to helping to find meaning.
Human-to-Human Relationship Model
Nurse’s job is to help the patient to maintain hope and avoid hopelessness.
Human-to-Human Relationship Model
Hope is a faith that can and will be changed that would bring something better with it.
Human-to-Human Relationship Model
Hope’s core lies in a fundamental trust in the outside world, and a belief that others will help someone when you need it.
Human-to-Human Relationship Model
Six important factors characteristics of hope are:
a. It is strongly associated with dependence on other people.
Six important factors characteristics of hope are:
b. It is future oriented.
Six important factors characteristics of hope are:
c. It is linked to elections from several alternatives or escape routes out of its situation.
Six important factors characteristics of hope are:
d. The desire to possess any object or condition, to complete a task or have an experience
Six important factors characteristics of hope are:
e. Confidence that others will be there for one when you need them.
Six important factors characteristics of hope are:
f. The hoping person is in possession of courage to be able to acknowledge its shortcomings and fears and go forward towards its goal
“a strict necessity for good nursing care”
Human-to-Human Relationship Model
“one is able to use itself as a therapeutic.”
Self-awareness and self-understanding, understanding of human behavior, the ability to predict one’s own and others’ behavior are important in this process.
Human-to-Human Relationship Model
Using himself therapeutic
Nurse must have a systematic intellectual approach to the patient’s situation.
Human-to-Human Relationship Model
Targeted intellectual approach
In her human-to-human relationship model, the nurse and the patient undergo the following series of interactional phases:
Human-to-Human Relationship Model
Targeted Intellectual Approach
this is described as the first impression by the nurse of the sick person and viceversa the nurse and patient see each other in stereotyped or traditional roles.
Targeted intellectual approach
Original Encounter
this phase is described by the nurse and patient perceiving each other as unique individuals. At this time, the link of a relationship begins to form.
Targeted intellectual approach
Emerging Identities
this phase is described as the ability to share in the person’s experience.
Targeted intellectual approach
It happens when the nurse wants to lessen the cause of the patient’s suffering.
Targeted intellectual approach
It goes beyond empathy.
Targeted intellectual approach
The nurse at this time should use a disciplined intellectual approach together with therapeutic use of self to make helpful nursing actions.
Targeted intellectual approach
this is described as nursing interventions that lessens the patient’s suffering.
Targeted intellectual approach
The nurse and the sick person are relating as human beings to human beings.
Targeted intellectual approach
The sick person shows trust and confidence in the nurse.
Targeted intellectual approach
Person is defined as a human being. Both the nurse and the patient are human beings.
Health is subjective and objective.
Subjective health is an individually defined state of well being in accord with self-appraisal of
physical-emotional spiritual status.
Objective health is an absence of discernible disease, disability of defect as measured by physical
examination, laboratory tests and assessment
by spiritual director or psychological
Environment is not clearly defined.
an interpersonal process whereby the professional nurse practitioner assists an individual, family or community to prevent or cope with experience or illness and suffering, and if necessary, to find meaning in these experiences.
Travelbee Nursing