Myology of the Back (Action/Innervation/Blood Supply) Flashcards
Action Innervation Blood Supply
What muscles are in layer 1?
Trapezius muscle and latissimus dorsi muscle
What is Action (A), Innervation (N), and Blood supply (BS) for the Trapezius muscle?
*Note there are 6 Actions for the Trapezius Muscle
Whole muscle: rotate point of glenoid cavity superiorly and retract the scapula
Upper fibers: elevate scapula
Lower fibers: depress scapula
With the scapula fixed: When working bilaterally, the upper fibers will extend the neck. When working unilaterally, the upper fibers will laterally flex the neck and rotate the face away.
Innervation: accessory nerve (CN11)
Blood supply: transverse cervical artery
A-N-BS of latissimus dorsi muscle?
*Note there are 4 Actions for the Latissimus Dorsi
A: extend, adduct, and medially rotate the humerus; rotate glenoid cavity inferiorly
N: thoracodorsal nerve (C6-C8)
BS: thoracodorsal artery
What muscles are in layer 2?
rhomboid major muscle, rhomboid minor muscle, and levator scapulae muscle
A-N-BS of rhomboid major muscle?
*Note there are 3 Actions for the Rhomboid Major Muscle
A: retract and elevate the scapula and rotate the glenoid cavity inferiorly
N: dorsal scapular nerve (C4&C5)
BS: dorsal scapular artery
A-N-BS of rhomboid minor muscle?
*Note there are 3 Actions for the Rhomboid Minor Muscle
A: retract and elevate the scapula and rotate the glenoid cavity inferiorly
N: dorsal scapular nerve (C4&C5)
BS: dorsal scapular artery
A-N-BS of levator scapulae muscle?
*Note there are 3 Actions for the Levator Scapulae Muscle
A: elevate scapula and rotate the glenoid cavity inferiorly. When the scapula is fixed, extend and laterally flex the neck.
N: C3, C4, and C5 (dorsal scapular nerve)
BS: dorsal scapular artery
What muscles are in layer 3?
serratus posterior superior muscle and serratus posterior inferior muscle
A-N-BS of serratus posterior superior muscle?
*Note there is only 1 Action for the Serratus Posterior Superior Muscle
A: elevate ribs with forced inspiration
N: intercostal nerves
BS: intercostal arteries
A-N-BS of serratus posterior inferior muscle?
*Note there is only 1 Action for the Serrtus Posterior Inferior Muscle
A: depress ribs with forced expiration
N: anterior rami
BS: intercostal arteries
What muscles are in layer 4?
splenius capitis muscle and splenius cervicis muscle
A-N-BS of splenius capitis muscle?
*Note there are 2 Actions for the Splenius Capitis Muscle
A: When working bilaterally, extend the neck. When working unilaterally, laterally flex the neck and rotate the face toward.
N: posterior rami
BS: muscular branches of the aorta
A-N-BS of splenius cervicis muscle?
*Note there are 2 Actions for the Splenius Cervicis Muscle
**Note there are 2 Blood Supplies for this Muscle
A: When working bilaterally, extend the neck. When working unilaterally, laterally flex the neck and rotate the face toward.
N: posterior rami
BS: occipital artery and transverse cervical artery
What muscles are in layer 5?
Erector spinae group:
Iliocostalis lumborum muscle, iliocostalis thoracis muscle, iliocostalis cervicis muscle.
Longissimus thoracis muscle, longissimus cervicis muscle, longissimus capitis muscle.
Spinalis thoracis muscle, spinalis cervicis muscle, spinalis capitis muscle.
A-N-BS of iliocostalis lumborum muscle?
*Note there are 3 Actions for the Iliocostalis Lumborum Muscle
**Note there are 3 Blood Supplies
A: When working bilaterally, maintain erect posture and extend the vertebral column and head. When working unilaterally, laterally flex the vertebral column.
N: posterior rami
BS: posterior intercostal arteries, subcostal arteries, and lumbar arteries
A-N-BS of iliocostalis thoracis muscle?
*Note there are 3 Actions for the Iliocostalis Thoracis Muscle
**Note there are 3 Blood Supplies
A: When working bilaterally, maintain erect posture and extend the vertebral column and head. When working unilaterally, laterally flex the vertebral column.
N: posterior rami
BS: posterior intercostal arteries, subcostal arteries, and lumbar arteries
A-N-BS of iliocostalis cervicis muscle?
*Note there are 3 Actions for the Iliocostalis Cervicis Muscle
**Note there are 2 Blood Supplies
A: When working bilaterally, maintain erect posture and extend the vertebral column and head. When working unilaterally, laterally flex the vertebral column.
N: posterior rami
BS: occipital artery and posterior intercostal arteries
A-N-BS of longissimus thoracis muscle?
*Note there are 3 Actions for the Longissimus Thoracis Muscle
**Note there are 3 Blood Supplies
A: When working bilaterally, maintain erect posture and extend the vertebral column and head. When working unilaterally, laterally flex the vertebral column.
N: posterior rami
BS: posterior intercostal arteries, subcostal arteries, and lumbar arteries
A-N-BS of longissimus cervicis muscle?
*Note there are 3 Actions for the Longissimus Cervicis Muscle
A: When working bilaterally, maintain erect posture and extend the vertebral column and head. When working unilaterally, laterally flex the vertebral column.
N: posterior rami
BS: posterior intercostal arteries
A-N-BS of longissimus capitis muscle?
*Note there are 3 Actions for the Longissimus Capitis Muscle
A: When working bilaterally, extend the neck. When working unilaterally, laterally flex the neck and rotate the face toward.
N: posterior rami
BS: occipital artery
A-N-BS of spinalis thoracis muscle?
*Note there are 3 Actions for the Spinalis Thoracis Muscle
A: When working bilaterally, maintain erect posture and extend the vertebral column and head. When working unilaterally, laterally flex the vertebral column.
N: posterior rami
BS: posterior intercostal arteries
A-N-BS of spinalis cervicis muscle?
*Note there are 3 Actions for the Spinalis Cervicis Muscle
A: When working bilaterally, maintain erect posture and extend the vertebral column and head. When working unilaterally, laterally flex the vertebral column.
N: posterior rami
BS: posterior intercostal arteries
A-N-BS of spinalis capitis muscle?
*Everything is the same as the other 2 Spinalis Capitis Muscles
Spinalis capitis is usually absent or blended with spinalis cervicis muscle.
What muscles are in layer 6?
Transversospinalis group:
Semispinalis thoracis muscle, semispinalis cervicis muscles, semispinalis capitis muscle.
Multifidus lumborum muscle, multifidus thoracis muscle, multifidus cervicis muscle.
Rotatores longus muscle.
Rotatores brevis muscle.
A-N-BS of semispinalis thoracis muscle?
*Note there are 2 Actions for the Semispinalis Thoracis Muscle
**Note there are 3 Blood Supplies
A: extend spine and rotate spine away
N: posterior rami
BS: deep cervical artery, descending branch of occipital artery, and posterior intercostal arteries.
A-N-BS of semispinalis cervicis muscle?
*Note there are 2 Actions for the Semispinalis Cervicis Muscle
**Note there are 3 Blood Supplies
A: extend spine and rotate spine away
N: posterior rami
BS: deep cervical artery, descending branch of occipital artery, and posterior intercostal arteries.
A-N-BS of semispinalis capitis muscle?
*Note there are 2 Actions for the Semispinalis Capitis Muscle
**Note there are 2 Blood Supplies
A: extend head and rotate face away
N: posterior rami
BS: deep cervical artery and descending branch of occipital artery
A-N-BS of multifidus muscles?
*Note there are 2 Actions for the Multifidus Muscle
**Note Blood Supplies:
2 BS for Cervicis
1 BS for Thoracis
2 BS for Lumborum
A: extend spine and rotate spine away
N: posterior rami
- cervicis: vertebral artery and occipital artery
- thoracis: posterior intercostal arteries
- lumborum: lumbar arteries and lateral sacral artery
A-N-BS of rotatores longus muscles?
*Note there are 2 Actions for the Rotatores Longus Muscle
A: extend spine and rotate spine away
N: posterior rami
BS: posterior intercostal arteries
A-N-BS of rotatores brevis muscles?
*Note there are 2 Actions for the Roratores Brevis Muscle
**Note there are 2 Blood Supplies
A: extend spine and rotate spine away
N: posterior rami
BS: vertebral artery and occipital artery
What muscles are entitled the “other deep back muscles”?
*Note there are 4 of them
Interspinalis muscle
Intertransversarii muscle
Levator costarum longus muscle
Levator costarum brevis muscle.
A-N-BS of interspinalis muscle?
- Note there is only 1 Action for the Interspinalis Muscle
- Note there are 2 blood supplies- one for Cervicis, 1 for Lumborum
A: extend spine N: posterior rami BS: - cervicis: deep cervical artery - lumborum: lumbar arteries
A-N-BS of intertransversarii muscle?
- Note there is only 1 Action for the Intertransversarii Muscle
- Note there is has 2 blood supplies- 1 from Cervical, 1 from Lumbar
A: laterally flex the spine N: anterior rami and posterior rami BS: - cervical: branches from subclavian artery - lumbar: lumbar arteries
A-N-BS of levator costarum longus muscle?
*Note there is only 1 Action for the Levator Costarum Longus Muscle
A: elevate ribs
N: posterior rami
BS: posterior intercostal arteries
A-N-BS of levator costarum brevis muscle?
*Note there is only 1 Action for the Levator Costarum Brevis Muscle
A: elevate ribs
N: posterior rami
BS: posterior intercostal arteries
What are the muscles in the suboccipital region?
Rectus capitis posterior major muscle
Rectus capitis posterior minor muscle
Obliquus capitis superior muscle
Obliquus capitis inferior muscle.
A-N-BS of rectus capitis posterior major muscle?
*Note there are 2 Actions for the Rectus Capitis Posterior Major Muscle
A: extend head and rotate face toward
N: suboccipital nerve
BS: occipital artery
A-N-BS of rectus capitis posterior minor muscle?
*Note there is only 1 Action for the Rectus Capitis Posterior Minor Muscle
**Note there are 2 Blood Supplies
A: extend head
N: suboccipital nerve
BS: vertebral artery and deep descending branch of occipital artery
A-N-BS of obliquus capitis superior muscle?
*Note there is only 1 Action for the Obliquus Capitis Superior Muscle
**Note there are 2 Blood Supplies
A: rotate the face toward
N: suboccipital nerve
BS: vertebral artery and deep descending branch of occipital artery
A-N-BS of obliquus capitis inferior muscle?
*Note there are 2 Actions for the Obliquus Capitis Inferior Muscle
**Note there are 2 Blood Supplies
A: extend and laterally flex the head
N: suboccipital nerve
BS: vertebral artery and deep descending branch of occipital artery