Myelin and Myelination Flashcards
- Lipid-rich
- Synthesised by non-neuronal cell
- Increases conduction velocity
- Loss of myelin produces neurological disorders
- Myelin may alter in learning and memory
What percentage of dry weight of white matter is myelin?
Where does myelin come from in the PNS?
Schwann cells
Where does myelin come from in the CNS?
Schwann cells myelinate _____ axons
Oligos myelinate ______ axons/parts of axons
What does myelin look like?
Protein - lipid - protein repeats
What is the periodicity of myelin in the PNS?
11.9 nm
What is the periodicity of myelin in the CNS?
10.7 nm
What percentage of myelin is water?
What percentage of myelin is dry lipid?
What percentage of myelin is protein?
What is myelin made of?
- Water
- Dry lipid
- Protein
PNS has less…
- Cerebroside
- Sulfatide
CNS has more…
CNS myelin proteins
- Myelin basic protein (MBP)
- Proteolipid protein (PLP)
Proteolipid protein (PLP)
- Important role in formation or maintenance of myelin
- Mutation causes Jimpy mouse
Myelin basic protein (MBP)
- Important in myelination of nerves
- Induces experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE)
- Implicated in MS
Other CNS myelin proteins
- Cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase
- Proteases
- Lipid metabolism
- Carbonic anhydrase
Ig-like molecules
- MOG and MAG
- Oligo-axon communication
PNS myelin proteins
- P0
- PMP-22
50+% of PNS myelin
Less important than in CNS
Alterations in gene expression associated with Charcot-Marie-Tooth 1a?
Multiple Sclerosis
- Onset 20s - 40s
- Variable severity
- May be progressive
- Plaques shown in MRI
- Primary demyelination
What type of white matter is vulnerable in MS?
Periventricular white matter
What is the percentage concordance of monozygotic twins with MS?
What causes MS?
- Geographic distribution suggests environment, vitamin D
- Virally - herpes virus
What race is MS more common in?
What type of disease is MS?
No clear evidence for particular auto-antigen
What degrades myelin in MS?
Macrophage and protease activity
Therapy for MS
- Steroids
- Interferons
- Cyclophosphamide, antibodies (immune su-pressants)
- Haemopoietic stem cells
- Vitamin D
Guillan-Barre Syndrome
- Post viral/bacterial infection
- Acute inflammatory response
- Primary demyelination
- LPS of bacterial cell coat and myelin lipids/proteins molecular mimicry
Guillan-Barre Syndrome symptoms
- Numbness
- Pain
- Muscle weakness
- Balance/coordination problems
- Pins and needles
Guillan-Barre Syndrome treatment
- IV immunoglobulin
- Plasma exchange - plasmapheresis
Multiple sclerosis symptoms
- Fatigue
- Vision problems
- Numbness/tingling
- Mobility problems
- Sexual problems
- Problems with thinking, learning and planning