Mydriatics and Cycloplegics Flashcards
What is the neurotransmitter for the parasympathetic nervous system?
True or False: Muscarinic (M) receptors are associated with the terminal organs of postganglionic nerves in the cholinergic systems
Where else are Nicotinic (N) receptors found besides on the postganglionics of the ANS?
Nicotinic receptors are also found in the terminal receptors of the somatic nervous system.
True or False: Norepinephrine (NE) is the neurotransmitter used in the sympathetic adrenergic system and its target receptors are alpha (a) and beta (B).
What are the adrenergic ocular effects?
- Mydriasis (radial iris muscle contraction)
- Increase interpalpebral aperture (Müeller’s smooth muscle)
- Modulate aqueous generation by the ciliary body
- Suppress accommodation thru receptors in the trabeculum & Schlemm’s canal
What are the factors leading to reduced sensitivity of dilating drugs?
- Age-related miosis
- Unstable diabetes
- Post-op pupils
- Posterior synechiae(where the iris adheres to the lens: i.e bc of glaucoma or diabetes)
- Dark irides
- Pseudoexfoliation Syndrome
How fast does iatrogenic angle closure usually generally occur?
4-8 hours post instillation.
What are the contraindications of dilation?
- Iris supported intraocular lens
- Subluxated lens or intraocular lens
- Extremely narrow angle*
- Angle closure history without peripheral iridotomy (PI)
Name the two Sympathomimetic Amines sympathtic mydriatics.
- Phenylephrine
- Hydroxyamphetamine (PAREMYD®)
Paremyd is composed of which two drug combinations?
0.25% tropicamide and 1% hyroxyamphetamine
Why is paremyd better suited for pts with shallow angles as compared to the drug combinations of Phenlylephrine and Tropicmide.
PYREMYD is better suited for shallow angle pts because it has faster recovery.
T/F: The adverse affects of PYREMYD include hypertension and tachycardia.
If you have an anesthetic, phenylephrine and tropicmide, in which order should you use the drops and why?
Use order: anesthetic (enhance absorption by breaking tight junctions): phenylephrine (vasoconstrict and dilate which reduces entrance of drug to systemic circulation) then tropicamide (to dilate).
Which cycloplygic drop/drug is used most commonly?
Tropicmide (is an anti-cholenergic drug, has moderate selectivity for M4 receptors, 20-35 minutes to action and l effects last upto 6hrs)
What are the ocular adverse reactions of anti-cholenergics?
↑ IOP, angle closure risk, allergy
What are the systemic adverse reactions of anti-cholenergics?
ABCDs Aneroxia Blur Constipation & Confusion Dryness Sedation & Stasis of urine
What are the CNS adverse reactions of anti-cholenergics?
↓ Parkinson tremor, ↓ HR