Must know terms Flashcards
Anabolic reaction
An anabolic reaction is a process that builds larger molecules from smaller ones, using energy
An allele is a different version of the same gene that can have different effects on a trait.
An atom is a very tiny piece of matter that makes up everything in the universe.
An autotroph is a living thing that can make its own food from simple substances, such as sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide
Catabolic reaction
A catabolic reaction is a process that breaks down large molecules into smaller ones and releases energy
A cell is a tiny living thing that can do many different jobs, like making food, moving around, or copying itself
Chromatin is a substance in the cell nucleus that contains DNA and proteins and forms the chromosomes when the cell divides
A chromosome is a long string of DNA that has the instructions for making a living thing.
Codominance is when two different versions of a gene are both shown in an organism, such as a cow with black and white spots
Diploid means having two sets of chromosomes in each cell, one from each parent. For example, humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes, so they are diploid
A dominant gene is a version of a gene that can show its effect even if there is only one copy of it in a person’s cells
An element is a kind of matter that is made of only one type of atom and cannot be changed into a simpler substance by chemical reactions
Enzymes are special proteins that help make chemical reactions in living things happen faster
A eukaryote is a living thing that has a cell or cells with a nucleus and other parts inside a membrane
A gamete is a special kind of cell that can join with another gamete to make a new living thing
A genome is the complete set of DNA instructions that tells a living thing how to grow and function
A gene is a part of your DNA that tells your body how to make certain things, like your eye color or your blood type
A genotype is the set of genes that you have in your DNA, which can affect how you look or function
Haploid means having only one set of chromosomes in a cell, instead of two sets like most cells in the body
A heterotroph is an organism that cannot make its own food and has to eat other organisms for energy and nutrients
Heterozygous means that you have two different versions of a gene, one from your mom and one from your dad.
Homologous chromosomes
Homologous chromosomes are pairs of chromosomes that have the same genes, but may have different versions of those genes. One chromosome in each pair comes from your mother, and the other comes from your father
Homozygous means that you have two copies of the same gene from your parents. For example, if both of your parents have blue eyes, you will also have blue eyes because you are homozygous for the blue eye gene
Incomplete dominance
Incomplete dominance is when two different versions of a gene (alleles) are both partly shown in the appearance of an organism, making it look like a mix of the two
A phenotype is a word that describes how an organism looks or behaves, based on the combination of its genes and its environment. For example, your phenotype includes your eye color, your height, and whether you can roll your tongue or not
A prokaryote is a very simple kind of cell that does not have a nucleus or other parts that are surrounded by membranes. Prokaryotes include bacteria and archaea, which are two of the three domains of life
Recessive is a word that describes a gene or a trait that is hidden or not visible when another gene or trait is stronger or more noticeable
Sex-linked trait
A sex-linked trait is a characteristic that is influenced by a gene on one of the sex chromosomes, usually the X chromosome