Music Video Codes & Vocab Flashcards
Images don’t have a apparent link to lyrics - meaning isn’t clear
Sequence in a video add extra meaning which are not in the lyrics
Everything is directly linked to the lyrics
Contain intertextual references to further suggest meaning/message
Camera work
Close up shots used to develop the idea that star is iconic
Use voyeristic shots to build enigma - see something personal
Vance joy
Vance joy
How did he write the lyrics
In a stream of consciousness
Convention of indie music
Dominated by repitition, lack of narrative, lofi quality
Wicker man
Focus on female in distress, plays on enigma, 1970 aesthetic
Wes Anderson director
Unique style
Symmetrical shots
Bright colours
Vintage clothing
Whip pans
Folk music
Die another day
Women in bikini, represents women in media
In chien andalou- Spanish short film
Polysemic readings - multi readings and oppositional readings