Musculoskeletal Flashcards
Paget’s disease of bone labs
Urine hydroxy-proline UP
Blood alkaline phosphatase UP
Calcium NORMAL
Phosphate NORMAL
Fibromyalgia treatment
TCA 1st line
SNRI 2nd line
Rotator cuff impingement tests
Neer and Hawkins
Giant cell arteritis
Also called temporal arteritis
Highly associated with polymyalgia rheumatica
Predominantly whites women in 80s
Segmental involvement so could have negative artery biopsy
Blindness caused by ischemic optic beuritis
Gout attack characteristics
Can cause low grade fever
Typically have abrupt onset hitting max at 12-24 hrs
Ankylosing spondylitis exam findings
Dactylitis Uveitis Sacroiliitis Enthesitis Reduced spinal mobility
Subacute pain reproduced by stretching the wrist extensors
Lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow)
Dermatomyositis can be paraneoplastic
Gottron papules and heliotrope rash
Lambert Eaton myasthenic syndrome (LEMS)
proximal muscle weakness autonomic dysfunction (erectile, dry mouth) loss of deep tendon reflexes (that return with repeated use of muscle groups)
most common cause of back pain after lifting
lumbosacral strain
Pseudogout association
de quervain tenosynovitis
classically affects new mothers
inflammation of the abductor pollicis longus and extensor pollicis brevis
Finkelstein test positive (grasping flexed thumb into fingers produces the pain)
scaphoid fracture
usually occurs due to FOOSH
pain localized to the anatomical snuff box
trigger thumb
pain at thumb MCP, causing thumb to be locked in flexion
osteoarthritis knee exam
some swelling and warmth
new bony growths
baker cysts (highly associated)
pes anserinus syndrome
anteromedial tibia pain
highly associated with female and diabetics
causes of chronic low back pain
1) mechanical
2) cancer
3) infection
4) inflammation
5) radicular
6) stenosis (relieved by leaning forward)
>12 weeks *encourage PT
<12 weeks *use NSAIDs and tylenol
atlanto-axial dislocation
often trauma or RA
can cause quadriplegia