Muscles Structue and Function Flashcards
Types of muscle
Spindle, non straited, uni nucleated, involuntary, internal organs
Straighted, branched, uni nucleated, intercollated discs, involuntary,heart wall
Straited, tubular, multinucleated, voluntary, attatched to skelton 40/50 body weight
Skeletal muscle
Made of muscle fibres
Each muscle fibre is a syncytial (fused embryonic cells) myoblasts fuse and form muscle cell
Muscle fibres are multinucleated cylindrical and parallel to one another
Function skeletal muscle
Produce and control movement
Connective tissue of skeletal muscle
Contractile and non contractile elements
Protects muscle fibres but need to be extendable and elastic
Connective tissue surrounds muscle,fibres and whole muscle:
> epimysium very dense surrounds whole muscle
> Extends beyond muscle as a tendon and connect to bone tendon blends with fibres if perimysuim
bundles of fibres are called fascicles and are surrounded by perimysium
> fascia supports muscle - surrounds it
> forms pathways for nerves blood vessles and lymphatics- good blood supply for continuous muscle contraction
> Endomysium surrounds individual muscle fibres- thin and inner part is called the basal lamena
specialised cell membrane which surrounds striated muscle fiber cells.
Muscle fibres cytoplasm
Contains mitochondria glycogen myoglobin
Gel like substance
T tubules
Extension of sarcolema
Invagination a of the sarcolemma
Transmit the action potential from the cell membrane to the myofibrils to stimulate muscle to contract
Sarcoplasmic recticulum
Extends through sarcoplasm
Network of fluid fillied membrane enclosed tubules which surrounds myofibrils
Storages and regulation of calcium released on demand
Myofibrils + myofiliments
Myofibrils= within muscle fibres bundles of fibres
Run in a parallel fashion
Composed x2 myofilaments actin and myosin
Region between 2 z lines
Contractile unit of myofibrils
Repeated units of over lapping myofilaments
Lattice arrangement
Z line
Dense protein material these supporting proteins run transversely across myofibrils and anchor thin actin filament
Attatched to sacrolema to provide stability
A band
Darker middle composed of actin and myosin over lap near end rejoins
Extends whole length of myosin
I band
Lighter less dense area contains rest of action no myosin
Z lines passes through the centre of each I band
Alternating A bands and I bands cause striation appearance
H zone
Only thick myosin