Muscles of the tongue Flashcards
O: Os mandibulae, pars incisiva to hyoid bone
I: Enters tongue ventrally
A: Draws tongue ventrally and rostrally
Arterial blood supply of tongue
a. lingualis (ex. a. carotis externa in Ca/Su, ex. linguofacial in Ru/Eq)
a. sublingualis (ex. a lingualis in Ru/Su, ex. submentalis ex.facialis in Eq/Ca)
Venous drainage of tongue
v. lingualis (ex. truncus linguofacialis)
v. sublingualis (ex. v. lingualis in Ca/Su/Ru, ex. v. lingufacialis in Eq)
Innervation of tongue
Rostral part of tongue:
V3 n. mandibularis – n. lingualis– n.sublingualis
VII n.facialus – chordea tympani
Caudal part of tongue:
IX n.glossopharyngeus– rr. linguales
XII n.hypoglossus (Motor) supply tongue muscles
X. vagus (root of tongue)
Extrinsic muscles of the tongue
(....-glossus) m.genioslossus m.styloglossus m.hyoglossus (skeleton--tounge) extrinsic muscles: attached to skeleton
Intrinsic muscles of the tongue
m.lingualis proprius
forms bulk of tongue, no muscle fibers attached to skeleton.
Fibrae longitudinales superficial
- profunda (eq)
Fibrae transversus
Fibrae perpendicularis
Muscles going to hyoid bone
(... -hyoideus) Dorsal muscles: m. mylohyoideus m.geniohyoideus m.stylohyoideus
Ventral muscles:
m. sternohyoideus
m. sternothyroideus
m. thyrohyoideus
O: Os mandibulae, pars incisiva to hyoid bone
I: Enters tongue ventrally
A: Draws tongue ventrally and rostrally
O: Ventral of stylohyoideum
I: apex of tongue
A: Retracts tongue
O: Hyoid bone
I: Between m.genioglossus (med) and m.styloglossus (lat).
A: Retracts and depresses tongue