General features of muscles, muscular auxiliary structures Flashcards
Locomotion system
muscles and accessory structures:
fascia, tendon, bursa
Moves parts of body and body as a whole. Lines body cavities
Different muscles
Visceral (smooth muscles)
glandular ducts
hollow organs
(Striated muscles)
Skeletal: locomotor apparatus
Parts of skeletal muscles:
Point of origin (puncta fixum) Point of insertion (puncta mobile) Muscle belly (venter) Tendon (tendo)
Point of origin
puncta fixum
normally fixated
Point of insertion
puncta mobile
at highly mobile part
Muscle belly
fleshy part= head
Tendo, attachment of musle belly to bone. Not allways present
Flat bigger “tendon”, white sheet for m.planum (flat muscles)
Tendon (which muscles)
m.fusiform (spindle muscle)
Different muscles
m. fusiform(spindle), m.planum (flat/strap), mm.pennate (short/longer)
sphincter muscles, circular muscles
Pennate muscles
Muscle fibers running, obliquuly to its tendon. Genreallt allows higher force production.
unipennate, bipennate, multi/quartipennate
m.fusiform (spindle), has some structures:
two-bellied muscle,
two headed muscle and the “regular” single head (m. fusiform)
Pysiological cut
shows how strong the muscle is, parallel to the fibers
Layers of the muscle
Endomysium (inner layer, around a muscle fiber)
Perimysium (around a bundle of muscle fibers) =fasiculus
Epimysium (around all fasiculus) = muscle
Fascia (around the epiysium)
Attachment by tendon/aponeurosis –> skeleton
Fascia superficial capitis
m. masseter, temporalis spf
Fascia superficial cervicalis
lig. nuchae, ventral neck
Fascia superficial truncus
shoulder–> gluteal region
Fascia superficial FL
Fascia superficial HL
fascia lata + crural
Tendon acts as …
passive tension band
for spindle muscle: tendon
for flat/strap muscle: aponeurosis
Tendon sheet
Vagina tendinis
smooth sliding over bones
synovial and fibrous layer ( lubrication)
Two-bellies muscle
m. semispinalis (biventer)
Two headed muscle
m. biceps brachii, m.triceps brachii