Muscles of the Plantar Foot Flashcards
Layer 1 (3)
- Abductor hallucis
- Abductor digiti minimi
- Flexor digitorum brevis
“ABs Flex”
Layer 2 (4)
- Flexor digitorum longus
- Flexor hallucis longus
- Quadratus plantae
- Lumbricals
“Flex Flex QP L”
Remember that it is longus and not brevis because the lumbricals are found in the longus tendons
Layer 3 (3)
- Adductor hallucis
- Flexor digiti minimi brevis
- Flexor hallucis brevis
“AD Flexes”
Layer 4 (2)
- Dorsal interosseous
- Plantar interosseous
Abductor hallucis
1st layer
- Large muscle which has an expanded portion wich forms a HOOD over the porta pedis (tom, dick, very nervous harry)
- This makes sense because the flexor retinacula creates the porta pedis on the medial side of the foot where the abductor hallucis would run to go to the hallux
Origin of abductor hallucis
- Medial process of calcaneal tuberosity (FFA)
- Flexor retinaculum
- Plantar aponeurosis
- Intermuscular septum between itself and flexor digitorum brevis (1st layer)
Insertion of abductor hallucis
- Medial side, plantar surface of the base of the proximal phalanx
- Medial sesamoid of the 1st MPJ (possibly)
Innervation of abductor hallucis
- Medial plantar nerve
Action of abductor hallucis
- Abducts the first digit
Flexor digitorum brevis
1st layer
o Lies deep to central part of plantar aponeurosis
o Lateral plantar nerves and vessels are found deep to it
Origin of flexor digitorum brevis
o Plantar aponeurosis
o Medial and lateral intermuscular septa
o Medial process of calcaneal tuberosity (FFA)
Insertion of flexor digitorum brevis
One tendon attaches to each of the 4 lateral digits:
- Each runs in the tendon sheath of flexor digitorum longus until it reaches the base of the proximal phalanx
- At this point, it divides into two slips
- Slips diverge from each other to surround the tendon of the flexor digitorum longus
- Reunite to lie deep to flexor digitorum longus
- Slips divide again to insert into the middle phalanges of the lateral 4 digits
Innervation of flexor digitorum brevis
Medial plantar nerve
Function of flexor digitorum brevis
o Flex the proximal interphalangeal joints of lateral 4 digits
o Flex the metatarsophalangeal joints
Variation of flexor digitorum brevis
o The tendon to the 5th digit may be absent
Abductor digiti minimi
1st layer
o Lies superficial along the lateral margin of the foot
Origin of abductor digiti minimi
o Lateral processes of calcanea tuberosity
o Medial processes of calcanea tuberosity
o Depression between these two processes
o Note: this is the A in MLAP, LLAP and LA
Insertion of abductor digiti minimi
o Runs through a groove on plantar surface of the 5th met
o Inserts into lateral side of the plantar surface of the
base of the proximal phalanx of the 5th digit (same as flexor digiti minimi brevis)
Function of abductor digiti minimi
- Abduct 5th digit
- Flex 5th digit
Variation in abductor digiti minimi
- May be an accessory insertion into base of 5th metatarsal
- If present, forms a separate muscle: abductor os metatarsal digiti minimi
Second layer
- The lateral plantar aponeurosis lies between the 1st and 2nd layers of muscle
Muscles of the 2nd layer
- Flexor digitorum longus
- Flexor hallucis longus
- Quadratus plantae
- Lumbricals
Quadratus plantae
2nd layer
- AKA flexor accessorius
- Two heads of origin, which are separated by the long plantar ligament
- Medial head is larger
Origin of quadratus plantae
- Medial head: medial process of calcaneal tuberosity
- Lateral head: lateral process of calcaneal tuberosity
Insertion of quadratus plantae
- Tendon of flexor digitorum longus
- Note that fivers from both heads unite together to insert
Innervation of quadratus plantae
Trunk of lateral plantar nerve
Function of quadratus plantae
- Accesory flexor of lateral 4 digits
- Helps flexor digitorum longus by putting tension on its tendon and straightening the line of pull of the long flexor
Variation of quadratus plantae
- The entire muscle, or just the lateral head may be absent
2nd layer
- 4 lumbricals, numbered medial to lateral
Origin of lumbricals
- Flexor digitorum longus tendon
- 1st lumbrical originates from the medial side of the most medial tendon only
- 2nd-4th lumbricals originate from the adjacent sides of flexor tendons
Course of lumbricals
- Al lumbricals continue distally with the flexor tendons
- This forms their lateral origin
- Lumbricals and flexor tendons cross the medial side of the metatarsophalangeal joint
- After crossing the joint, they continue along the medial side of digits 2-5
- They all course superficial to the deep transverse metatarsal ligament
insertion of lumbricals
Medial surface of extensor expansion (a little dorsal to the horizontal plane)
- 1st lumbrical inserts on extensor expansion of the 2nd digit
- 2nd lumbrical inserts on extensor expansion of the 3rd digit
- 3rd lumbrical inserts on extensor expansion of the 4th digit
- 4th lumbrical inserts on extensor expansion of the 5th digit
NOTE: the lumbrical tendons form part of teh WING of the extensor hood
Innervation of lumbricals
1st lumbrical
- Medial plantar nerve
2nd-4th lumbricals
- Deep branch of lateral plantar nerve
Function of lumbricals
- Flex the metatarsophalangeal joints
- Extend the interphalangeal joints
Variation in lumbricals
- One or more of the lumbricals may be absent
- 3rd or 4th lumbrical may be doubled
- Lumbricals may insert directly on the bone of the proximal phalanx instead of the extensor expansion
Two tendons of 2nd layer
- Flexor digitorum longus tendon
- Flexor hallucis longus tendon
Third layer
- Flexor hallucis brevis
- Adductor hallucis
- Flexor digiti minimi brevis
Flexor hallucis brevis
3rd layer
- Two heads of origin
Origin of flexor hallucis brevis
Lateral head
- Cuboid (near peroneal groove)
- Lateral cuneiform (area adjacent to cuboid)
- Long and short plantar ligaments (occasionally)
Medial head
- Deep fibers insert onto tibialis posterior tendon
- Superficial fibers insert onto intermuscular septum between the medial and central compartments
Course of flexor hallucis brevis
o As the muscle courses toward the 1st digit, fibers from the medial and lateral head fuse briefly before diving into two bellies
Insertion of flexor hallucis brevis
Lateral head
- Lateral side of plantar surface of base of proximal 1st phalanx
- Lateral sesamoid bone
- Plantar pad of hallux (same as AD-ductor hallucis)
Medial head
- Medial side of planar surface of base of proximal 1st phalanx
- Medial sesamoid bone
- Plantar pad of hallux (same as AB-ductor hallucis)
Innervation of flexor hallucis brevis
Medial plantar nerve
Function of flexor hallucis brevis
Flexes 1st MPJ
Variation in flexor hallucis brevis
o Attachment to cuboid may be absent
o Additional insertion into proximal phalanx of 2nd digit
Adductor hallucis
3rd layer
o Has two heads of origin (similar to flexor hallucis brevis)
Origin of adductor hallucis
Oblique head
- Plantar surface of the bases of 2nd, 3rd and 4th metatarsals
- Peroneus longus tendon (same as flexor digiti minimi brevis)
Transverse head
- Plantar plates
- Plantar metatarsophalangeal ligaments
- Deep transverse metatarsal ligament
NOTE: the origin of BOTH heads is HIGHLY variable
Insertion of adductor hallucis
o ALL are same as the insertion of lateral head of flexor hallucis brevis
o Lateral side of plantar surface of base of proximal 1st phalanx
o Lateral sesamoid bone
o Plantar pad of hallux (same as AD-ductor hallucis)
Innervation of adductor hallucis
o Deep branch of lateral plantar nerve
Function of adductor hallucis
o AD-ducts 1st toe at first metatarsophalangeal joint (MPJ)
Variation of adductor hallucis
Portion may insert into 1st metatarsal forming an opponens hallucis muscle
Flexor digiti minimi brevis
3rd layer
- This is the 3rd muscle of the 3rd layer
Origin of flexor digiti minimi brevis
o Plantar surface of base of 5th metatarsal
o Peroneus longus tendon
o Plantar aponeurosis
Insertion of flexor digiti minimi brevis
Plantar surface of proximal phalanx of 5th digit (same as abductor digiti minimi of 1st layer)
Innervation of flexor digiti minimi brevis
o Superficial branch of lateral plantar nerve (motor)
Function of flexor digiti minimi brevis
o Flex 5th digit
o AB-duct 5th digit
Variation in flexor digiti minimi brevis
o Deeper fibers may form part of a separate muscle, opponens digiti minimi
4th layer
- Plantar interossei
- Dorsal interossei
Plantar interossei origin
o Bases and medial sides of shafts of 3rd, 4th and 5th mets
PAd ‘eM
P = plantar
Ad = adductors
M = medial aspect insertion
Plantar interossei insertion
Each attaches to only one bone – all insert on…
- Medial sides of bases of proximal phalanges
- Capsules of MPJ
- Extensor expansions
Innervation of plantar interossei
Lateral plantar nerve
- Deep branch = 1st and 2nd plantar interossei
- Superficial branch = 3rd plantar interossei
Function of plantar interossei
AD-ducts 3rd, 4th and 5th digits
Dorsal interossei origin
Adjacent sides of metatarsal bones
- 1st dorsal interossei – from 1st and 2nd metatarsals
- 2nd dorsal interossei – from 2nd and 3rd metatarsals
- 3rd dorsal interossei – from 3rd and 4th metatarsals
- 4th dorsal interossei – from 4th and 5th metatarsals
NOTE: the bones that make up the web spaces they are in
D = dorsal interossei
Ab = abducts
L = lateral insertion
Dorsal interossei insertion
Base of proximal phalanx and extensor expansions:
- 1st dorsal interossei – medial side 2nd digit
- 2nd dorsal interossei – lateral side 2nd digit
- 3rd dorsal interossei – lateral side 3rd digit
- 4th dorsal interossei – lateral side 4th digit
Innervation of dorsal interossei
o Deep branch of lateral plantar nerve (1-3 dorsal interossei)
o Superficial branch of lateral plantar nerve (4th dorsal interossei only)
Function of dorsal interossei
AB-ducts the digits
Accessory muscles of the plantar foot
- Abductor os matatarsal digiti minimi
- Oppoens hallucis muscle
- Opponens digiti minimi
Abductor os metatarsal digiti minimi
- Accessory muscle from abductor digiti minimi
- Forms when part of muscle inserts on base of 5th metatarsal before continuing on to the proximal phalanx
Opponens hallucis muscle
- Accessory muscle from adductor hallucis
- Forms when part of the muscle inserts on base of 1st metatarsal before continuing on to the proximal phalanx
Opponens digiti minimi
- Accessory muscle from flexor digiti minimi brevis
- Forms when deep fibers of the muscle form a separate belly