Muscles of the Larynx Flashcards
What are the muscles of the Larynx?
Extrinsic (infrahyoid are depressors (low pitch) of hyoid bone and larynx, suprahyoid muscles are elevators (high pitch) of hyoid bone and larynx), and Intrinsic (Transverse Arytenoid, Oblique Arytenoid, Lateral Cricoarytenoid, Posterior Cricoarytenoid, Cricothyroid, Thyroarytenoid, Vocalis) muscles
What is the origin of the Transverse Arytenoid muscle?
arytenoid cartilage
What is the insertion of the Transverse Arytenoid muscle?
contralateral arytenoid cartilage
What is the innervation of the Transverse Arytenoid muscle?
recurrent laryngeal nerve
What is the action of the Transverse Arytenoid muscle?
close laryngeal inlet, only unpaired muscle
What is the origin of the Oblique Arytenoid muscle?
muscular process of arytenoid cartilage
What is the insertion of the Oblique Arytenoid muscle?
contralateral arytenoid cartilage
What is the innervation of the Oblique Arytenoid muscle?
recurrent laryngeal nerve
What is the blood supply of the Oblique Arytenoid muscle?
laryngeal branch of superior thyroid artery
What is the action of the Oblique Arytenoid muscle?
close laryngeal inlet
What is the origin of the Lateral Cricoarytenoid muscle?
arch of cricoid cartilage
What is the insertion of the Lateral Cricoarytenoid muscle?
muscular process of arytenoid cartilage
What is the innervation of the Lateral Cricoarytenoid muscle?
recurrent laryngeal nerve
What is the blood supply of the Lateral Cricoarytenoid muscle?
superior laryngeal artery
What is the action of the Lateral Cricoarytenoid muscle?
adduct the vocal cords
What is noteworthy about the Lateral Cricoarytenoid muscle?
reinforced by transvers arytenoid muscle
What is the origin of the Posterior Cricoarytenoid muscle?
lamina of cricoid cartilage
What is the insertion of the Posterior Cricoarytenoid muscle?
muscular process of arytenoid cartilage
What is the innervation of the Posterior Cricoarytenoid muscle?
recurrent laryngeal nerve
What is the blood supply of the Posterior Cricoarytenoid muscle?
superior laryngeal artery
What is the action of the Posterior Cricoarytenoid muscle?
abduct the vocal cords
What is noteworthy about the Posterior Cricoarytenoid muscle?
only ABductor of vocal cords
What is the origin of the Cricothyroid muscle?
arch of cricoid cartilage
What is the insertion of the Cricothyroid muscle?
thyroid cartilage
What is the innervation of the Cricothyroid muscle?
external laryngeal nerve
What is the blood supply of the Cricothyroid muscle?
cricothyroid branch of superior thyroid artery
What is the action of the Cricothyroid muscle?
tense vocal cords
What is noteworthy about the Cricothyroid muscle?
only intrinsic muscle of larynx not supplied by recurrent laryngeal nerve
What is the origin of the Thyroarytenoid muscle?
inner surface of thyroid cartilage
What is the insertion of the Thyroarytenoid muscle?
lateral border of arytenoid cartilage
What is the innervation of the Thyroarytenoid muscle?
recurrent laryngeal nerve
What is the blood supply of the Thyroarytenoid muscle?
branch of the superior thyroid artery
What is the action of the Thyroarytenoid muscle?
relax vocal cords
What is the origin of the Vocalis muscle?
thyroid cartilage, arytenoid cartilage
What is the insertion of the Vocalis muscle?
vocal ligament
What is the innervation of the Vocalis muscle?
recurrent laryngeal nerve
What is the blood supply of the Vocalis muscle?
laryngeal branch of superior thyroid artery
What is the action of the Vocalis muscle?
relaxes segments of vocal ligament, adjusting pitch