Muscles of the Head Flashcards
This muscle is derived from three primary layers of the primitive
sphincter colli.
superficial muscles
is best developed in the laryngeal region deep to the skin. Its delicate transverse fibers span the ventral borders of the platysma muscles at the junction of the head and neck. Occasionally fibers of this muscle reach the thorax, radiate over the shoulder joint, or blend with the cervical part of the platysma.
m. sphincter colli superficialis
is a well-developed muscle sheet that takes its origin from the mid
dorsal tendinous raphe of the neck and the skin.
consists of a few thin muscle fascicles that extend dorsoventrally from the base of the ear, lateral to the masseter muscle and parotid gland. These fascicles are covered by the platysma and extend across the ventral median plane to fuse with the fascicles of the same muscle on the opposite side.
sphincter coli profundus
the principal component of the lips, extends from the
commissural region into the lips near their free borders that lies between the skin and the mucosa.
orbicularis oris muscle
The straplike, long
muscle extends from the rostral angle of the scutiform cartilage to the edge of the superior lip and cheek, where it sinks into the orbicularis oris after crossing deep to the rostral fibers of the sphincter colli profundus.
These are two thin
muscles not clearly defined from the orbicularis and buccinator. They arise on the alveolar borders of
the incisive bone and mandible as far as the corner incisor teeth and are situated immediately deep to
the mucosa of the lips.
mm. incisivus superioris et inferioris
is a flat muscle that lies deep to the apical end of the levator nasolabialis on the maxilla and incisive bone
m. levator labii superioris
is immediately ventral to the levator labii superioris and extends
rostrally deep to the labial end of the levator nasolabialis. It terminates rostrally in the superior lip.
It is a thick, flat, wide muscle that forms the foundation of the cheek. It is composed of two portions,
which extend caudally from the labial commissure.
this part of buccinator is deep to the buccal part and consists of longitudinal fibers that arise from the ramus of the mandible and course rostrally to fill the cheek and blend with the buccal part as
well as the orbicularis oris.
molar part
, arises from the alveolar border and body of the mandible near
the third incisor. The fibers unite with those of the opposite side and radiate into the inferior lip, forming
a prominent, fat-infiltrated muscle.
mentalis muscle
is a flat, thin, and broad muscle (even in large dogs), lying immediately deep to the skin on the lateral surface of the nasal and maxillary bones. It arises in
the frontal region between the orbits from the nasofrontal fascia, the medial palpebral ligament, and
the maxillary bone.
levator nasolabialis
surrounds the palpebral fissure. Portions of the muscle adjacent to the borders of the lids extend from the medial palpebral ligament dorsal to the superior lid,
around the lateral commissure of the lids, and along the inferior lid back to the ligament
orbicularis occuli
arises beside the m. frontalis from the temporal fascia. It extends horizontally to the lateral palpebral angle, and, in so doing, it crosses the orbicularis oculi
before it sinks into the fibers of the latter.
m. retractor anguli oculi lateralis,
is a small, thick muscle strand that arises from the median
line on the frontal bone from the nasofrontal fascia.
levator anguli colli muscle
is the main retractor of the superior eyelid
levator palpabrae superioris