muscles of the face (facial expressions) Flashcards
what does ipsilateral mean?
same side
what does contralateral mean?
occurring on a part on the opposite side of the body. (moving torso in other direction)
what does bilateral mean?
both sides moving at the same time
what does unilateral mean?
one muscle is contracting at once. (single limb movement).
it is a combination of which 2 muscles?
Occipitalis & frontalis
what is another name for occipitofrontalis?
Frontalis (OIA)
O: epicranial aponerosis
I: Fascia and skin of the eyebrow, root of the nose
A: elevates the eyebrows and wrinkles of the head
occipitalis (OIA)
O: superior nuchal line of the occipital bone, petrous part of temporal bone
I: epicranial aponerosis
A: pulls scalp posteriorly (back of head)
corrugator supercilii
O: medial end of the supraciliary arch of the frontal bone
I: skin of the eyebrow
A: draws eyebrows together and inferiorly (angry face). Wrinkles skin of the forehead vertically
orbicularis oculi
Round muscle around the eye
O: frontal and maxillary bones and ligaments around the orbit
I: tissue of the eyelid
A: closes eye
orbicularis oris
Circular muscle around mouth
O: fibers of other msucles associated with lip movements
I: muscles and skin at the angle of the mouth
A: purses and protrudes lips
zygomatic major & minor
goes down at an angle
O: zygomatic bone
I: skin and muscle (orbicularis oris) at the angle of the mouth
A: raises angle of the mouth upwards
It attaches at the top of the (2 o clock ish) orbicular oris
O: alveolar processes of the maxilla and internal surface of the mandible
I: orbicular oris
A: compresses the cheek (for whistling), draws angle of mouth laterally
It is a deeper muscle that passes kind of horizontally
(friend of the buccinator)
O: lateral fascia of the masseter
I: skin at the angle of the mouth
A: draws corners of the lips laterally
(chin muscle)
O: mandible inferior to incisors
I: skin of the chin
A: protrudes lower lip and wrinkles skin of the skin.
(Sad baby face, bottom lip out).