Muscles of Respiration Flashcards
How many layers of intercostals are there? Where are they located? What are they called (sup to deep?)
3 layers in the spaces between the adjacent ribs (intercostal space)
External intercostals, internal and innermost
How many pairs of muscles do each layer of intercostals have?
11 pairs
What are the attachments of the external intercostals?
superior attach: ribs 1 - 11 (fixed)
inferior attach: ribs 2-12
action: quiet and forced inspiration (through elevation of the ribs)
action: keep the intercostal spaces rigid
What are the attachments of the internal intercostals?
fibre direction?
superior attach: ribs 1 - 11 (fixed)
inferior attach: ribs 2-12
action: forced expiration
action: keep the intercostal spaces rigid
fibre direction: right angles (90 degrees) to external intercostals
What are the attachments of the innermost intercostals
superior attach: ribs 1 - 11 (fixed)
inferior attach: ribs 2-12
separated from the internal intercostals by the nerovascular bundle
action: forced expiration
action: keep the intercostal spaces rigid
Levator costarum
12 pairs superior attachment: TVPs of C7-T11 inferior attachment: ribs (immediately inferior) action: elevate the ribs accessory muscles to respiration
Medial attachment: 1st rib and its costal cartilage
lateral attachment: middle 1/3rd of the inferior surface of the clavicle
action: anchors, depresses and draws the clavicle medially
action: serves as cushion between fractured clavicle
What is the principle muscle of respiration?
The diaphragm
The diaphragm is what shape muscle? What does it divide?
It is a a dome shaped muscle. It divides the thoracic cavity and abdominal cavity
Where does the top of the diaphragm sit during inspiration?
approximately 6th intercostal space during inspiration
4th intercostal space during exhalation
The diaphragm is divided into two components?
Muscular component and tendinous component
What are the attachments to the muscular component of the diaphragm?
Attaches inferiorly onto the:
posterior surface of the xiphoid process,
internal surfaces of lower 6 ribs (and their costal cartilages),
upper lumbar vertebrae via 2 muscular crura
medial arcuate ligaments (upper lumbar vertebral bodies to TVPs - travels over psoas)
lateral arcuate ligaments (L1 TVP to 12th rib - travels over QL)
The diaphragm Central Tendon
the muscular fibres converge radially into a strong aponeurotic tendon called the Central Tendon
Has a C-shaped appearance with a central, left and right ‘leaflet’
What is the action of the diaphragm?
with contraction, the diaphragm moves inferiorly so that it is flattened
What is the innervation of the diaphram?
phrenic nerve (C3,4,5) - C345 keeps the diaphragm alive