Muscles of facio-maxillary region Flashcards
functions of facial muscles:
- sphincters + dilators of orifice of face
structure of facial muscles (how they are + origin + innervation):
- subcutaneous
- origin = fascia or bone
- insertion = into the skin
- innervation = facial nerve (CN VII)
muscles of temporal branche (le truc des 5 doigts sur la face):
- frontalis
- orbicularis oculi
- corrugator supercilii
muscles of zygomatic branches:
orbicularis oculi
muscles of buccal branches:
- orbicularis oculi
- buccinator
- zygomaticus
muscles of marginal mandibular branches:
- mentalis
- depressor labii inferioris
- depressor anguli oris
muscles of cervical branches:
muscles of the scalp:
muscles of the eyelid:
- orbicularis oculi
- corrugator supercilia
- levator palpebrae superioris
muscles of the nose:
- nasalis
- procerus
- depressor septi
- ## dilator naris posterior
muscles of the mouth:
- orbicularis oris
- buccinator
- levator anguli oris
- depressor anguli oris
- depressor labii inferioris
- mentalis
- risorius
- zygomaticus
- levator labii superioris
- levator labii superioris alaeque nasi
muscles of the ear:
- anterior auricular
- posterior auricular
- superior auricular
action of frontal belly:
wrinkles forehead, raises eyebrows, draws scalp backwards
the orbicularis has 2 major parts which are:
- orbital + palpebral parts
action of the orbicularis oculi:
sphincter muscle of the eyelid
- orbital part = closes voluntarily + forcefully + produces wrinkles in forehead
- palpebral part = involuntarily + softly
action of cogurrator supercilli:
draws eyebrows medially and downward, causing vertical wrinkles above the nose and active when frowning
action of levator palpebrae superioris:
(most superior muscle in the orbit)
contraction of the muscle raises the eyebrow