Muscles Flashcards
What are the 7 groups of muscles in the head and neck?
1 - cervical muscles 2 - muscles of facial expression 3 - muscles of mastication 4 - hyoid muscle 5 - muscles of the tongue 6 - muscles of the soft palate 7 - muscles of the pharynx
Head and neck musculature
Nerve innervation
O - medial portion of the clavicle and sternum
I - mastoid process
A - bilateral flexion of the head “yes”, unilateral rotation of the head “no”
O - external occipital bone and posterior midline of cervical & thoracic regions
I - lateral 1/3 of clavicle and parts of the scapula
A - shrug shoulders
N - CN XI and cervical nerves 3 and 4 (C3, C4)
Muscles of facial expression
- paired muscles
- originate from surface of skull and insert into dermis
- work in concert
- all innervated by facial nerve (CN VII)
Epicranial muscles
- located in the scalp region, has 2 bellies
Frontal belly of epicranial muscle
- origin: epicranial aponeurosis (large spread-out scalp tendon)
- insertion: skin of eyebrow and nose
- action: raises eyebrows and scalp
Occipital belly of epicranial muscle
- origin: occipital bone and mastoid process
- insertion: epicranial aponeurosis
- action: raises eyebrows and scalp
Eye region: orbicularis oculi
encircles the eye
- origin: orbital rim
- insertion: skin at the lateral region of the eye
- action: close eye and squint
Eye region: corrugator supercilii
- origin: frontal bone (supraorbital area)
- insertion: skin of the eyebrow
- action: draws skin medially and inferiorly, wrinkle glabella (space between eyebrows and above nose), frowning
Mouth region: obicularis oris
- origin: around the mouth (not attached to bone)
- insertion: angle of the lips (corners)
- action: close lips, pouting, kissing, rolling inward (grimacing), thinning (pursing)
Buccinator (deeper) “cheek”
- origin: alveolar process of mandible and maxilla
- insertion: skin at angle of mouth
- action: pulling lips laterally, aids in chewing, forcing food occlusal, suckling, Trumpeter’s muscle (forcibly expel air)
Pteryogomandibular raphe
- extends from hamulus (hook-like projection off medial pterygoid plate) to the mylohyoid line (inner surface of mandible)
- visible in mouth as pterygomandibular fold
Risorius muscle
- superficial to buccinator
- origin: fascia (fibrous tissue) over masseter and parotid
- insertion: angle of mouth
- action: lips stretch laterally (grinning and grimacing muscle)
What do elevator muscles do? How many are there?
elevate upper lip, elevate angle of lip, general function in smiling. 5 total
Levator labii superioris
- origin: infraorbital rim
- insertion: upper lip
- action: elevates lip
LLS Alaeque Nasi
- medial to LLS with attachment to ala (wing of nose) and upper lip
- action: elevation of lip to dilate nose
Zygomaticus major
- origin: zygomatic bone
- insertion: angle of the mouth
- action: elevate and pull laterally (TRUE SMILE)
Zygomaticus minor
- origin: medial to zygomaticus major
- insertion: lateral to LLS
- elevates lip
- action: assist in smiling
Levator anguli oris
- deep to zygomaticus
- origin: canine fossa
- insertion: angle of mouth (deep to zygomaticus major)
- action: elevates lip, assist in smiling
What do depressor muscles do? How many are there?
- lower the lower lip
- lower the corner of the lip
- general function in frowning
2 total
Depressor anguli oris (triangular)
- origin: lower border of mandible
- insertion: angle of mouth
- action: decreases angle of mandible (corner of mouth). frowning
Depressor labii inferioris (deep to DAO)
- origin: border of mandible (mental foramen)
- insertion: lower lip (medial to DOA)
- action: depress lip, expose mandibular incisors
- irony expression
- origin: midline of mandible
- insertion: skin of chin
- action: protrude lower lip
- pouting
- doubt
Platysma (anterior triangle of neck)
- origin: skin superficial to clavicle
- insertion: lower border of mandible and muscles around mouth
- action: wrinkle neck (visible ridges), assist in grimacing (corner of mouth down)