Muscles Flashcards
Biceps- origin, insertion, joints crossed and joint action
Origin- Scapula Insertion- Radius Joints crossed- Elbow and Shoulder Joint action- Flexes the elbow, Supinates the forearm and Weak flexion of the shoulder
Brachialis- origin, insertion, joints crossed and joint action
Origin- Humerus
Insertion- Ulna
Joint crossed- Elbow
Joint action-True Flexion of elbow
Triceps brachii- origin, insertion, joints crossed and joint action
Origin- Scapula and humerus
Insertion- Ulna
Joints crossed- Elbow and shoulder
Joint action- Extension of the elbow, Long head extension of the shoulder
Deltoid- origin, insertion, joints crossed and joint action
Origin- Clavicle and scapula
Insertion - Humerus
Joint crossed- Shoulder
Joint action- Abducts the arm, assists in shoulder rotation (internal and external), flexion and extension
Latissimus dorsi- origin, insertion, joints crossed and joint action
Origin- Lumbar and sacral vertebrae, thoracic vertebrae, crest of the ilium Insertion- Humerus Joint crossed- Shoulder Joint action- Adducts, extends and inwardly rotates the shoulder
Trapezius- origin, insertion, joints crossed and joint action
Origin- Base of Skull, All thoracic vertebrae
Insertion- Clavicle and scapula
Joint crossed- Shoulder girdle
Joint actions- Upper fibres extend the neck, Middle fibres retract the scapula, Lower fibres depress the scapula
Rhomboid- origin, insertion, joints crossed and joint action
Origin- Spinous processes of cervical and thoracic vertebrae
Insertion- Medial border of scapula
Joint crossed- Shoulder girdle (moves scapula relative to rib cage)
Joint actions- Retracts scapula, Downwardly rotates scapula (works as a synergist with Rhomboid minor)
erector spinae- origin, insertion, joints crossed and joint action
Origin- Sacrum , Ilium to thorax
Insertion- Ribs, vertebrae, to occipital bone (base of skull)
Joints crossed- Vertebrae
Joint action- Extends the spine rotates the thoracic spine
Pectoralis major- origin, insertion, joints crossed and joint action
Origin- Clavicle and sternum
Insertion- Humerus
Joint crossed- Shoulder
Joint action- Horizontal flexion, Adduction and inward rotation of the arm
transverse abdominus- origin, insertion, joints crossed and joint action
Origin- Iliac crest, lumbar fascia and cartilage of inferior six ribs
Insertion- Xiphoid process, Linea alba and pubis
Joint crossed- Lumbar vertebrae
Joint action- Forced expiration, Compress the abdominal wall
Rectus Abdominus- origin, insertion, joints crossed and joint action
Origin- Pubis
Insertion- Ribs
Joints crossed- Lumbar and thoracic vertebrae
Joint action- Flexes the thoracic and lumbar spine
External obliques- origin, insertion, joints crossed and joint action
Origin-Lower ribs
Insertion- Ilium
Joints crossed- Vertebrae
Joint action - Laterally flexes the thoracic spine
Internal obliques- origin, insertion, joints crossed and joint action
Origin- Ilium
Insertion- Lower ribs
Joint crossed- Vertebrae
Joint action -Laterally flexes the thoracic spine, Rotates the thoracic spine
Iliopsoas (Hip Flexors)- origin, insertion, joints crossed and joint action
Origin- All lumbar vertebrae and ilium
Insertion- Femur (Lesser Trochanter)
Joint crossed- Hip
Joint action- Flexes the hip
Adductors- origin, insertion, joints crossed and joint action
Origin- Pubis and ischium
Insertion- Femur
Joint crossed- Hip
Joint action- Adducts and outwardly rotates the hip