Muscles Flashcards
cutaneus trunci m.
Attaches: skin, fascia of the axilla
Action: twitch the skin
Location: thoracic region caudal to the forelimb
Extrinsic muscles of the forelimb
brachiocephalicus m., trapezius m., rhomboideus m., omotransversarius m., superficial pectoral m., deep pectoral m., latissimus dorsi m., serratus ventralis m.,
brachiocephalicus m.
Attachments: caudoventral surface of the skull (mastoid process), cranial half of the dorsal midline of the neck, cranial border of the distal humerus
Action: 1 m. pull head to side, both m. arch neck, limbs not fixed pull limb(s) cranially
Special: contains the vestigial clavical in clavicular tendon
trapezius m.
Origin: dorsal midline from 3rd cervical vert to 9th thoracic vert
Insertion: spine of the scapula via aponeurosis (also separates the cervical and thoracic parts)
Action: elevate the limb
rhomboideus m.
Origin: caudal surface of skull, dorsal midline of neck to 7th thoracic vert
Insertion: dorsal border of scapula
Action: elevate limb, pull dorsal scapula proximally
Location: deep to trapezius
omotransversarius m.
Attachments: distal end of s.o.s, wing of atlas
Action: limb fixed pull neck and head to side or ventrally, pull limb cranially
Special: superficial cervical lymph node(s) on deep side
superficial pectoral m.
Origin: cranial sternum
Insertion: crest of the greater tubercle of humerus
Action: adduct the limb
deep pectoral m.
Origin: sternum
Insertion: lesser and greater tubercles of humerus
Action: adduct limb, pull limb caudally, extend and flex shoulder jt, pull body cranially when limb bears weight
latissimus dorsi m.
Origin: spinous processes of thoracic and 1st few lumbar verts via thoracolumbar fascia
Insertion: teres major tuberosity
Action: pull limb caudally, flex shoulder, pull body cranially if limb fixed
Location: deep to cutaneus trunci, cover most of dorsolateral surface of thorax
serratus ventralis m.
Origin: last 5 cervical verts and 1st 7-8 ribs
Insertion: serrated face of the scapula
Action: support and elevate the trunk
Lateral muscles of shoulder
m.: supraspinatus, infraspinatus, deltoideus, teres minor
Actions: Lateral stabilization of shoulder jt., flex shoulder jt., (supraspinatus extends shoulder jt.)
Innervation: suprascapular n., axillary n.
Medial muscles of shoulder
M.: subscapularis, teres major, coracovrachialis
Actions: Medial stabilization of shoulder jt., flex shoulder jt., adduct limb
Innervation: Subscapular n., axillary n., musculocutaneous n.
Cranial muscles of the arm
M.: Biceps brachii, brachialis
Actions: Flex elbow jt., (biceps brachii extends the shoulder jt.)
N.: musculocutaneous
Caudal muscles of the arm
M.: tensor fascia antebrachii, triceps brachii, anconeus
Action: Extend elbow jt.
N.: radial
Craniolateral muscles of forearm
M.: extensor carpi radialis, common digital extensor, lateral digital extensor, ulnaris lateralis, abductor pollicis longus, supinator.
Action: Extend carpal and digital jts. Ulnaris lateralis flexes the carpal jts.
N.: median, ulnar
Caudomedial muscles of forearm
M.: flexor carpi ulnaris, flexor carpi radialis, supericial digital flexor, deep digital flexor, pronator.
Action: Flex carpal and digital jts.
N.: Median, ulnar
supraspinatus m.
Origin: supraspinous fossa of the scapula
Insertion: greater tubercle of humerus
Action: ext shoulder jt, act as lat collat lig
Location: cranial to s.o.s. overlaps cranial border of scapula and subscapularis m. crosses lat of shoulder jt.
Deltoideus m.
Origin: spine and acromion of scapula
Insertion: deltoid tuberosity
Action: flex shoulder jt.
Special: 2 parts the distal (acromial) part fuses w/ spinous part
Infraspinatus m.
Origin: infraspinous fossa of scapula
Insertion: lat surface of greater tubercle of the humerus
Action: flex shoulder jt. act as lat collat lig
Special: bursa between tendon and greater tubercle of humerus
Subscapularis m.
Origin: subscapular fossa of scapula
Insertion: lesser tubercle of humerus
Action: act as med collat lig, adduct limb at shoulder jt
Teres major m.
Origin: proximal portion of caudal border of scapula
Insertion: teres major tuberosity of humerus via common tendon w/ latissimus dorsi m.
Action: flex the shoulder jt.
biceps brachii m.
Origin: supraglenoid tubercle of scapula
Insertion: medial aspect of proximal radius and ulna w/ tendon of brachialis m.
Action: flex elbow jt, ext shoulder jt.
Special: 1 head in domestics, tendon has a tendon sheath and is held by transverse humeral retinaculum
Brachialis m.
Origin: proximal part of lat humerus
Insertion: medial aspect of proximal radius and ulna w/ biceps brachii m.
Action: flex elbow jt.
Tensor fascia antebrachii m.
Origin: fascia on lat surface of latissimus dorsi
Insertion: olecranon
Action: ext elbow jt
Triceps brachii m.
Origins: long head- caudal border of scapula distal to teres major, lat head- tricipitall line, med head- crest of lesser tubercle, accessory head- neck of humerus
Insertion: tuber olecrani
Action: long head flexes shoulder jt, all heads extend elbow jt
Special: 4 heads in carnivores
cephalic vein
lies in superficial fascia on cranial surface of antebrachium
Extensor carpi radialis m.
Origin: lat epicondyle of humerus
Insertion: dorsal of proximal extremity of 2&3 metacarpal bones
Action: ext carpal jt
Common digital extensor m.
Origin: lat epicondyle of humerus
Insertion: ext processes of distal phalanges 2-5
Action: ext carpal and digital jts
lateral digital extensor m.
Origin: lat epicondyle of humerus
Insertion: extersor processes of distal phalanges of 3-5, minors of prox &/or mid phalanges 3-5
Action: ext carpal jts and digital jts 3-5
ulnaris lateralis m.
Origin: lat epicondyle of humerus
Insertion: proximal end of 5 metacarpal bone, accessory carpal bone
Action: flex carpal jts, abduct the manus at carpal jts
supinator m.
Origin: lat epicondyle of humerus
Insertion: cranial border of radius
Action: supinate antebrachium and manus
abductor pollicis m.
Origin: mid 1/3 of lat border of ulna and adjacent interosseous membrane
Insertion: prox end of 1st metacarpal bone
Action: ext carpal jts, abduct 1st digit
Nother name: extensor carpi obliquus m.
pronator teres
Origin: med epicondyle of humerus
Insertion: prox 1/3 med border of radius
Action: pronate antebrachium and manus
Flexor carpi radialis m.
Origin: med epicondyle of humerus
Insertion: palmar or prox ends of 2&3 metacarpal bones
Action: flex carpal jts
Special: held by the flexor retinaculum over carpus
flexor carpi ulnaris m.
Origin: med epicondyle of humerus, caudomedial surface of olecranon of ulna
Insertion: accessory carpal bone w/ tendon of ulnaris lateralis
Action: flex the carpal jts
superficial digital flexor m. Of the forearm
Origin: med epicondyle of humerus
Insertion: palmar or proximal of mid phalanx of 2-5
Action: flex carpal jts, flex metacarpophalangeal jts, proximal interphalangeal jts or 2-5
flexor carpi ulnaris m.
Origin: humeral- med epicondyle humerus, ulnar- caudomedial olecranon
Insertion: accessory carpal bn
Action: flex carpal jts
deep digital flexor m.
Origin: humeral- med epicondyle humerus, radial- med border radius, ulnar- caudal border ulna
Insertion: flexor tubercle distal phalanx digits 1-5
Action: flex carpal jts and digits 1-5
pronator quadratus m.
Origin: radius surface opposed to ulna
Insertion: ulna surface opposed to radius
Action: pronate manus
Interosseus m.
Origin: palmar, base metacarpals 2-5
Insertion: Axial&abaxial base proximal phalanx digits 2-5
Action: Support metacarpophalangeal jt, flex metocarpophalangeal jts 2-5, prevent hyperextension
Rump (Lat pelvis) mm.
mm.: superficial gluteal, middle gluteal, deep gluteal, piriformis, tensor fasciae latae
Actions: ext hip jt, rotate limb medially
nn.: cranial gluteal, caudal gluteal
Caudal mm. of thigh
mm.: biceps femoris, semitendinosus, semimembranosus
Actions: ext hip jt, flex stifle jt (ext when WB), ext tarsal jts (except semimembranous)
nn.: sciatic
Medial mm. of thigh
mm.: sartorius, pectineus, gracilis, adductor
Action: adduct limb, sartorius flex hip jt and variable on stifle
nn.: obturator, femoral for sartorius
Cranial mm. of thigh
mm.: quadriceps femoris, iliopsoas
Action: ext stifle jt. (tensor fasciae lata & rectus femoris flex hip jt)
Craniolateral mm. of crus
mm.: cranial tibial, long digitalextensor, peroneus longus, lateral digital extensor, peroneus brevis
Action: ext tarsal jts, flex digital jts
nn.: common peroneal
Caudal mm. of the crus
mm.: gastrocnemius, superficial digital flexor, deep digital flexor, popliteus
Action: ext tarsal jts, flex digital jts
nn.: tibial
Tensor fascia latae m.
Origin: tuber coxae
Insertion: fascia lata
Action: flex hip jt, ext stifle jt.
Superficial gluteal m.
Origin: Sacrotuberous lig, cranial dorsal iliac spine
Insertion: 3rd trochanter femur
Action: Ext hip jt, abduct pelvic limb
Middle gluteal m.
Origin: crest & gluteal surace ilium, piriformis head- sacrum
Insertion: greater trochanter femur
Action: ext hip jt, rotate limb medially, abduct pelvic limb
Deep gluteal m.
Origin: body ilium, ischiatic spine
Insertion: greater trochanter femur
Action: ext hip jt, rotate limb medially
External obturator m.
Origin: ventral ischium & pubis around obturator foramen
Insertion: trochanteric fossa
Action: rotate pelvic limb laterally, adduct pelvic limb
Internal obturator m.
Origin: dorsal to ischium & pubis around obturator foramen
Insertion: trachanteric fossa
Action: rotate pelvic limb laterally
gemelli m.
Origin: lateral ischium
Insertion: trochanteric ossa
Action: rotate pelvic limb laterally
Quadratus femoris m.
Origin: ventral ischium
Insertion: intertrochanteric crest
Action: rotate pelvic limb laterally, ext hip jt.
Caudal hip mm.
Origin: ventral & dorsal ischium & pubis around obturator foramen
Insertion: trochanteric fossa (intertrochanteric crest)
Action: rotate pelvic limb laterally, ext hip jt.
Iliopsoas m.
Origin: psoas mj- ventral lumbar vert, iliacus- ilium
Insertion: lesser trochanter femur
Action: flex hip jt
Quadriceps femoris m.
Origin: rectus femoris- ilium(tuberosity for RF), V. lateralis- prxml femur(lat lip), V. intermedius- prxml femur(lat aspect), V. medialis- prxml femur(med lip)
Insertion: tibial tuberosity
Action: Ext stifle jt, rectus femoris- flex hip jt.
Special: tendon contains the patella
Sartorius m.
Origin: cranial- crest of ilium, caudal- cranioventral iliac spine
Insertion: cranial- patella, caudal- cranial berder tibia
Action: flex hip, cranial- ext stifle jt, caudal- flex stifle jt.
Gracilis m.
Origin: pelvis symphysis via symphysial tdn
Insertion: cranial berder tibia, tuver calcanei
Action: adduct pelvic limb, ext hip & tarsal jts, flex stifle jt.
Pectineus m.
Origin: iliopubic eminence, pubic tubercle
Insertion: distal, med lip femur, caudal rough surface femur
Action: adduct pelvic limb
Adductor m.
Origin: pelvis symphysis via symphysial tdn, ventral ischium & pubis
Insertion: caudal femur lateral lip
Action: adduct pelvic limb, ext hip jt.
Biceps femoris m.
Origin: sacrotuberous lig, ischiatic tuberosityu
Insertion: patella & patellar lig, cranial border tibia, tuber calcanei
Action: ext hip jt, ext or flex stifle jt, ext tarsal jts, abduct limb
Special: Deep to this muscle are the caudal crural abductor, sciatic nerve, & caudally popliteal lymph node
Semitendinosus m.
Origin: ischiatic tuberosity
Insertion: distal cranial tibia, tuber calcanei
Action: ext hip jt, ext or flex stifle jt, ext tarsal jts.
Semimembranosus m.
Origin: ischiatic tuberosity
Insertion: distal femur medial lip, proximal tibia medial tibial condyle
Action: ext hip jt, ext or flex stifle jt.
Cranial tibial m.
Origin: extensor groove femur
Insertion: plantar base metatarsals 1,2
Action: flex tarsal jts
Long digital extensor m.
Origin: extensor fossa femur
Insertion: extensor process distal phalanges 2-5
Action: flex tarsal jts, extend digital jts 2-5
Fibularis (peroneus) longus m.
Origin: lat tibiall condyle & prxml fibula
Insertion: 4th tarsal bn, plantar base 5th metatarsal
Action: flex tarsal jts, rotate pex medially
Lateral digital extensor m.
Origin: middle fibula
Insertion: 5th long digital extensor tendon
Action: Minor significance- flex tarsal & ext lateral digital jts
Fibularis (peroneus) brevis m.
Origin: distal fibula
Insertion: metatarsal 5
Action: minor significance
Gastrocnemius m.
Origin: distal caudal femur (med & lat supracondylar tuberosity)
Insertion: tuber calcanei
Action: ext tarsal jts, aid flexion stifle jt.
Special: sesamoid bones (fabella) embedded in tendons of origin
Superficial digital flexor m.
Origin: lat supracondylar tuberosity femur
Insertion: tuber calcanei, base, mid phalanges 2-5
Action: Ext tarsal jts, flex metatarsophalangeal jts 2-5, flex prxml interphalangeal jts 2-5, minor flex stifle jt.
Deep digital flexor m.
Origin: Lat- cd, prxml tibia & fibula, Med-cd, prxml tibia, Caudal tibial- vestigial
Insertion: flexor tubercle distal phalnages 1-5
Action: Ext tarsal jts, flex digits 2-5
Popliteus m.
Origin: popliteal fossa femur
Insertion: caudomedial prxml tibia
Action: rotate crus medially, flex stifle jt
Special: sesamoid bone embedded where tendon and belly join to redirect path of muscle
Interosseus m.
Origin: plantar, base metatarsals 2-5
Insertion: axial & abaxial base proximal phalanx, digits 2-5 via sesmoidean lig
Action: support metatarsophalangeal jt, flex metatarophalangeal jts 2-5, prevent hiperextension
Lateral saphenous v.
on lateral aspect of crus
Crural extensor retinaculum
Distal 1/3 of fibula to medial malleolus of tibia.
Thickened band of connective tissue.
Binds down tendons of cranial tibial and long digital extensor mm.
Common calcanean tendon
Inserts of tuber calcanei.
Composed of tendons from gastrocnemius & superficial digital flexor mm. & crural fascia (including biceps femors, semitendinosus, & gracilis mm.)
Traumatic injury cause animal to walk w/ entire metatarsus on the ground (plantigrade).