Muscle Histology & Physiology Flashcards
Main function of skeletal muscles
Body movement:
- All muscles must cross a joint in order to create movement
Maintain posture:
- Stabalize joints
- Contracting to keep you upright
Production of body heat:
- Breakdown and rebuilding of proteins generate heat, also produced via shivering
- Get feedback about the body position and make changes
- Ability to make forceful contractions
- Capacity of muscle to responde to a stimulus by producing an action potention
- Depending on the type of muscle, stimuli can be variable (ie. skeletal muscles are always contracted by neurons)
- Muscles can be stretched beyond its resting length and still be able to contract
Ie. Hypertension
- Ability of muscle to recoil to original resting length after it has been stretched.
Skeletal muscle strucutre
- Composed of muscle cells, connective tissue, blood vessels and nerves.
- Multinucleated
- Striated due to lighr and dark banding
Layers of muscle
Skeletal muscle < epimysium < perimysium < fascicle < endomysium < muscle fiber
Fascicle structure (muscle fibers)
On the outside:
- Nucleus are found on the surface of the cell
- Capillary surround to deliver nutrients and oxygen
Sarcolemma (plasma membrane) < sarcoplasmic retriculum (highly organized and stores calcium) < transverse tubules (extension of sarcolemma, creates tunnel to get to the inside of the cell, and allows action potention to move through the cell) < myofibrils < sarcomere < actin and myosin
Myofibril structure
- Sarcomere is composed of contractile protein actin and myosin
- Actin is attached to z band which holds the actin myofilaments in place
- Titin is also attached to the z band which had elastic properties to being z disk back to position when stretched.
- The M line holds the myosin
Myosin Myofilaments
- Thick filament
- Two protein chains twisted together form A-helix
- Comes with varying lengths of head because we want attachment to actin at all lengths.
- Myosin APTase found in the head, helps break down ATP, allows myosin head to get energy to bind and move actin
- Movement of the head creates muscle shortening/ contracting
Actin myosfilement
- Thin filament
- G-actin is the monomeric form of actin. It is a small, globular protein that has a single polypeptide chain
- F-actin is the polymeric form of actin, composed of long, thin helical strands formed by the polymerization of many G-actin monomers. It is a filamentous structure.
- There are active sites where myosin can bind…however, they are not always open which helps control when muscle contraction occurs.
- Contains tropomyosin and troponin …
TROPOMYOSIN: - Twists around the F actin molecules to cover all active sites
TROPONIN: - Binds to G actin
- Binds to Ca2+, which removes the tropomysoin off the filament.
Sarcomere Organization
Left to right
- Actin only, contained in the I band from Z disk to end of thick filaments, light in colour < myosin surrounded by actin, A band represents length of thick filament, darker in colour < myosin only < H zone in A band where actin and myosin do not overlap < M line, middle of H zone, delicate filamnet holding myosin in place
Sliding filament mechanism
- Explains how actin and myosin shorten the muscle
- Myosin will attach to the actin and pull it towards the m-line.
- By doing so, they H zone gets smaller due to greater overlap of actin and mysin
- This also pulls the z-disks closer, creating a shortening effect of the entire muscle
- Eventually gets to a point where actin is oulled so close, they begin to overlap and the H zone fully disappears
- I band narrows/ disappears
Cross-bridge cycle
- Calcium must first expose the active site on actin myofilament
- release of calcium via the SR, which binds to troponin
- this changes the shape of troponin which moves the tropomyosin off the actin to expose the active site. - Myosin heads are able to bind, but now they have to become activated
- Head have stored energy when right side up
- ATPase hydrolyzes ATP to form ADP and inorganic phosphate
- This energy gets stored in the head and are ready to go when calcium binds to troponine.
- Once active site is available, binding occurs, where the IP is released and the ADP stays
- This forms the cross-bridge on contact - Myosin cross-bridge rotates towards the center of the sarcomere via power stroke, pulling the actin towards the middle as well.
- ADP is released at this moment - In order to release myosin from active site, we need ATP which will bind to the head and cause the release
- Again, ATPase on the head will break down ATP to ADP and IP
- Note that attachment occurs closer to Z-disk because we’ve already pull some actin to the M-line.
Skeletal Muscle Electrical Properties
- Main difference is that resting membrane potential (of muscle cell) is a bit larger in muscle due to greater amount of K+ leak channels.
- High amounts of K+ inside the cell, High amounts of Na+ outside the cell
- When depolarization occurs, aka when sodium enters the cell, we get muscle action potential (MAP)