Muscle fibers Flashcards
Only option for the ZNS to respond to environment
Spinal motor neuron types and their associated muscle fibers
αS(slow)>type1 (slow twitch)
αFR (fatique resistant) >
type 2a (fast oxidative)
αFI (fatique intermediate) >
type 2x (fast adaptive)
αFF (fast fatiqueable) >
type 2b (fast glycolytic)
γ (gamma) > intrafusal fibers
The motor Unit
smallest controllable segment of the neuromusculatur.
A single motor neuron and all innervated muscle fibers.
Each muscle fiber is only innervated by 1 motor neuron
Formation & Regeneration of muscles
formed by fusion of myoblasts
For regeneration: inactive satellite cells get activated and differentiated into myoblasts.
Metabolic properties of muscle fibers
high endurance (Type 1) ß-oxidation
high force output (Type 2b) Glycolysis
Type 1: get energy from fatty acids & lipids, have high Myoglobin content, lot of Mitochondria
Type 2b: energy from glucose/Glycogen, low myoglobin content, low Mitochondria
Formation of neuronal progenitor domains in the ventral spiral cord
based on exogenous signals like shh gradients
Columnar organisation of spinal motor neurons
Motor neurons innervating distinc regions are organised in motor columns
Medial motor column-innervates axial musculature
Lumbar motor column-innervates limbs
Hypaxial motor column-innervates body wall
Morphological differences between Motor neuron types
Slow motor neurons have smaller cell soma and thinner axons
Slow motor neurons have lower capacitance, higher resistance and lower conductivity
This results in different electrical properties
Electrophysiological differences of motor neuron types
Slow mn: low Rheobase, tonic firing
longer AHP half decay time
Fast mn: high Rheobase, phasic firing, shorter AHP, lower bistability
Which type of motor neurons die first in disease
Fast motor neurons
Name a motor neuron disease
ALS, Spinal muscular atrophy