Multistore Model Flashcards
How long does information stay in sensory memory for
1-2 seconds
What is the first memory store?
Sensory memory
What is the job of sensory memory?
To process all information at an unconscious level and select the most important information to be passed on to the second memory store
What two stores is sensory memory divided into?
The echoic store (processes sounds) and the iconic store (processes images)
What is the second memory store?
Short term memory
What is the capacity of short term memory?
5-9 items
What is encoding?
Encoding is the way information is formatted and processed in order to be stored
Who did research on the capacity of STM?
How does STM prefer to encode information?
What is the third memory store?
Long term memory
What is the duration of STM?
18 seconds.
What is the capacity of LTM?
What is the duration of LTM
Potentially a lifetime
How does information get from STM to LTM?
Through rehearsal
What is the preferred encoding method of LTM?