Multiple questions Flashcards
The tricuspid valve is located between
The right atrium and the right ventricle
The mitral valve is located between
the left atrium and the left ventricle
A semilunar valve lies between
the left atrium and the left ventricle
Which of the lower findings is correct?
It comes at the beginning of systole first to a slightly spirally twisted shape change of heart
The heart
has the fundamental characteristics that it responds to increasing stress with increased contractility
Which of the following structures is better developed in the cardiac muscle than in skeletal muscles ?
collagen fibers
The contractile component of the heart ( CC)
Is a striated muscle-like, based on actinomyosin filament system, contraction locking unit
The series-elastic component of the heart ( SEC)
is a fibre system that relaxes during diastole and during systole is contracted
The parallel arranged elastic component of the heart (PEC)
is contracted during diastole, stores energy that helps during the next systole in the contraction
The collagen fibre system of the heart
prevents the overstretch
In an isometric contraction:
increases the tone in the muscle fibres, but their length remains uncharged
In an isotonic contraction:
at a constant tone, the cardiac muscle fibres shorten
In an auxotonic contraction
at en ever-increasing tone the muscle fibres shorten
At the maximum filing of the heart
the collagen fibres stretch and suddenly they make a maximum resistance
The passive voltage curve of the heart muscle decreases steeper than that of striated muscle at a certain distance. The reason for that is:
are present in the heart of collagen fibres
The first phase of support contraction (‘preload’):
the isometric contraction
The first phase of the attack contraction (‘afterload’) is:
the isotonic contraction
Which substance is the parasympathetic Co-transmitter in the sinus node?
At the cellular level whereby the effect can be explained by the vagus nerve on the heart ?
The activation of muscarinic - ACh receptors
Where in the heart, the conduction is slowest?
the atrioventicular node
What does the species conduction from subendocardialen type ?
Which of the below mentioned species the conduction runs subepicardial:
It is characteristic of the calcium- dependent calcium channels in the heart muscle that
they increase during the electromechanical coupling the outflow of Ca2+ from the SR
Which of the below mentioned proteins has the ability to perceive stress ?
L-type ( DHP-sensitive) calcium channel
Which statement is correct?
The picture of the electrical activity of the entire hear we get when we add the ElectroAtrioGram the ElectrVenticularGram together
What is the correct order of ECG waves in a cardiac cycle?
C: P,Q,R,S,T
Which statement is true for the P-wave of the ECG?
it is wave of atrial depolarisation
The Vorhofrepolarisation lies between the
Q and R waves of the ECG