Multihazardous Environments (Haiti) Flashcards
What is a disaster hotspot?
A location which is at risk of experiencing two or more hazards
What hazards is Haiti susceptible to?
Tropical storms and earthquakes
What is the human development index (HDI)?
A composite index combining life expectancy at birth, mean and expected years of schooling and gross national income
What is the life expectancy of Haiti?
What is Haiti’s GDP?
US$1200. Least developed country in western hemisphere
What are denuded mountains?
Mountains that have been stripped of their vegetation cover
When is the Atlantic Hurricane season?
June to November
What is the nature of Haiti?
Conservative boundary
What is the population of Haiti?
How many people live in the capital, Port Au Prince?
10%. 100,000
What is crowdsourcing?
A way of obtaining information by enlisting the services of a number of people usually through the Internet or mobile phone technology
How are hazards relieved in Haiti?
Mobile phone technology. Text message hotlines opened
What is an example of a Hurricane in Haiti?
Hurricane Jeanne 2004.
Killed over 3000 people, most of whom lived in Gonaives
What was Haiti’s most devastating hurricane season, and why?
- Hit by 4 storms. Fay, Gustav, Hanna and Ike. Strong winds, flooding, landslides and coastal surges.
Nearly 800 killed. 310 missing. 593 injured. 22,000 houses were destroyed and 85,000 damaged.
70% crops destroyed. Severe malnutrition. Damage of £1bn. Over 5% of country’s GDP
What happened to the forests in Haiti?
In 1980, Haiti still had 25% of its forests, by 2004, this had reduced to 1.4%. Lack of trees meant no roots to hold soil together. This causes landslides - which added to the death toll in 2008
What is an example of a earthquake in Haiti?
12th January 2010.
Epicentre was near the town of Leogane, 25km west of the capital. Magnitude 7. 52 aftershocks of 4.5 mag or above were recorded in the following 2 weeks.
Hospitals, infrastructure, transport and communication systems were destroyed. Nearly 25% civil servants were killed. 220,000 killed. 300,000 injured. 19 million tonnes of rubble. 1.5m homeless