Mucosoflagellates Flashcards
Live in the GI or genital tract, in close association with mucous membranes; transmitted in feces or genital secretions
Family Retortamonadidae
Chilomastix mesnili
Retortamonas intestinalis
Family Hexamitidae
Giardia sp. – (5 recognized) – in humans, G. lamblia, G. intestinalis, G. duodenalis
Spironucleus (Hexamita) meleagridis
Family Trichomonadidae
Trichomonas tenax Trichomonas vaginalis Pentatrichomonas hominis Tritrichomonas foetus Trichomonas gallinae
Family Monocercomonadidae
Histomonas meleagridis (Blackhead/Histomoniasis) Dientamoeba fragilis
Chilomastix mesnili
Hosts: Humans, non-human primates, pigs, other mammals, birds, etc.
Morphology: Trophozoite pyriform/4 flagella; cyst – pear-shaped/single nucleus
Transmission: Ingestion of cysts (contamination of drinking water)
Pathology: non-pathogenic
Retortamonas intestinalis
Hosts: Similar to Chilomastix sp.
Morphology: Trophozoite – smaller/2 flagella; Cyst – smaller/1 nucleus
Pathology: non-pathogenic
Giardia sp
History: Described in 1681 in diarrheic stools by Leeuwenhoek
Hosts: Human, beavers, dogs, cats, sheep, etc.
Giardia sp (morphology)
Trophozoite – rounded anteriorly; pointed posteriorly; 2 equal nuclei; 4 pairs flagella
Cyst – ovoid; 2 nuclei when newly formed 4 nuclei when older (stage most commonly seen in stools
Giardia sp (life cycle)
Trophozoites live in small intestine, adhering to epithelial cells divide by binary fission multiply rapidly as feces enter colon and dehydrate, encysting occurs flagella shorten/ wall is secreted pass out in feces ————– cyst is swallowed excyst in duodenum flagella grow out
Giardia sp (pathogenesis and treatment)
Vary from asymptomatic to mucoid diarrhea with intestinal pain.
Pets generally asymptomatic after 6 months of age.
Trophozoites or cysts in stained fecal smears – requires 1000X magnification. Zinc sulfate flotation best.
Direct smear technique should be performed on animals < 6 mo./when diarrhea is a problem.
Treatment: Metronidazole (Flagyl™) Drontal Plus Panacur Treat all family members/pets
Prevention: High degree sanitation Water supplies Food handlers Day care centers
Spironucleus (Hexamita) meleagridis
Hosts: Galliform birds, esp. turkey
Morphology: similar to Giardia, smaller
Life Cycle: live in small intestine, similar to Giardia
Pathogenesis: Disease of young birds; mortality up to 80% - survivors may serve as source of infection for new birds
Treatment: None successful
Prevention: Management – separate young from older birds
There is some association of a Spironucleus organism with “Hole in the Head Disease” in fish (most common in Oscars)
Trichomonas tenax – worldwide
Hosts: Humans
Morphology: only trophic stage – oblong; 4 anterior free flagella/undulating membrane; axostyle
Life Cycle: Live only in mouth – transmission is direct by kissing, sharing drinking utensils, etc
Pathology: harmless
Diagnosis: smear from mouth
Trichomonas vaginalis (morphology)
Distribution: Worldwide – 189,000,000/yr infected
Hosts: Human
Morphology: larger than T. tenax
Trichomonas vaginalis (life cycle)
Life Cycle: Lives in vagina, urethra of female / prostate, seminal vesicles, urethra of male – transmission STD; to newborns from mother; soiled cloths, etc. (possibly by AI??)
Pathogenesis: Men usually asymptomatic; women vary from asymptomatic to severe vaginitis with leukorrhea
Diagnosis: Organisms in secretions or culture
Treatment: Metronidazole – tx partners as well