MSK_MT1_DSA4 (Clavicle, Scapula & Humerus = Glenohumeral Joint.) Flashcards
Which part of the clavicle does the costoclavicular ligament attach to?
Which artery gives rise to the nutrients branches of the clavicle?
suprascapular artery
Which bony structure does the clavicle articulate with medially?
manubrium of sternum
Which part of the clavicle does the interclavicular ligament attach to?
sternal end of the clavicle
Which bony structure does the clavicle articulate with laterally?
Acromion of Scapula
Which of the following muscles attaches to the anterior surface of the clavicle?
Which bone is responsible for transmitting traumatic impacts from the upper limb to the axial skeleton?
What bony structures does the scapula articulate with? (2)
- acromeal facet of the clavicle
- body of the humerous
Bones of shoulder Girdle are
formed by:
- the scapulae, posteriorly
- the clavicles anteriorly
3. completed anteriorly by the manubrium of the sternum (axial skeleton).

Function of Shoulder Girdle is
Connecting the upper limbs → axial skeleton
Joints of Shoulder Girdle are (3)
- Acromioclavicular (AC) joint
- Sternoclavicular (SC) joint
- Glenohumeral joint
Acromioclavicular (AC) joint
- synovial joint
- connects to ateral part of the acromion

Ligaments of the AC Joint (4)
- acromioclavicular ligament, the sleevelike loose fibrous
- trapezoid ligament (nearly horizontal)
- conoid ligament (vertical)
- coracoclavicular ligament.

Arteries of the AC Joint (2)
- suprascapular
- thoracoacromial
Nerves of the AC Joint (3)
- suprascapular
- lateral pectoral
- axillary nerves
Sternoclavicular joint (SC joint)
ball and socket joint
discs = shock absorber (attached by sternoclavicular ligaments)

Ligaments of the SC joint (4)
- anterior sternoclavicular
- posterior sternoclavicular
- the interclavicular ligament
- costoclavicular ligament.

Artries of the SC Joint
- internal thoracic
- suprascapular
Nerves of the SC Joint
- medial suprascapular nerve
- the nerve to the subclavius muscle
Glenohumeral joint
ball and socket type of synovial joint
movements include:
- flexion
- extension
- abduction
- adduction
- rotation (medial and lateral rotation)
- circumduction.
Ligaments of the Glenohumeral joint
- humeral ligament
- coracoacromial ligament
- glenohumeral ligament.

Acromial facet of clavicle

Sternal articular surface of clavicle

Conoid tubercle of clavicle

Groove for subclavius muscle

Impression for costoclavicular ligament

Trapezoid line of clavicle

coracoclavicular ligament attach to?
- trapazoid line of the clavicle
- conoid tubericle of clavicle
shaft of clavicle orienation?
medial 2/3: convex anteriorly
lateral 1/3: flattened and concave anteriorly

Sternoclavicular Joint Overview

posterior between the 2nd and 7th ribs
acromial of clavicle + head humerus.
3 large bony processes of scapula
- spine
- acromion
- coracoid
superior border of scapula
thin, superior edge
scapular notch
lateral aspect of the superior border.

angles of scapula
- superior = superior and medial borders
- inferior = seventh rib and the spine of the Th 7

glenoid cavity or fossa
“pit” for the head of the humerus
1. glenoid labrum = surrounds outside the glenoid to deepen the joint cavity.
- supraglenoid tubercle = apex (top) of glenoid cavity
- infraglenoid tubercle = immediately inferior (bottom) to the glenoid

greater scapular notch
connects the supraspinous —> infraspinous fossa

subscapular fossa
largest part of scapualr surface (shallow concave)

coracoid process
“crow’s beak”
thick structure that projects anterolaterally

Dropped Shoulder and Winged Scapula
caused by:
- paralysis of the trapezius (accessory nerve dysfunction)
- paralysis serratus anterior (lateral thoracic nerve dysfunction)

Humerous Bony Features
1. greater tubercle: where rotator cuff muscles attach
- (supraspinatus, infraspinatus and teres minor)
2. intertubercular groove = bicepts attach
3. lesser tubercle = subscapularis muscle attach
4. surgical neck = weakest part of bone

lower humerous features
- lateral and medial epicondyles = attach the forearm muscles.
* groove for the ulnar nerve BELOW the medial epicondyle - wide groove of the radial nerve = rear, middle, lateral side
- deltoid tuberosity = attaches deltoid muscle = lateral surface of the body

SC Joint Forward Movement
Controlled by:

SC Joint Backward Movement
Controlled by:

SC Joint Elevation Movement
Controlled by:

SC Joint Depression Movement
Controlled by:

Anterior dislocation of SC Joint
In general RARE : because of strong costoclavicular ligament holds clavicle —> first costal cartilage
- medial end of the clavicle projecting forward beneath the skin
- pulled upward by the sternocleidomastoid muscle
Posterior Dislocation of SC Joint
In general RARE : because of strong costoclavicular ligament holds clavicle —> first costal cartilage
- follows direct frontal trauma = drives the clavicle backward
- MORE SERIOUS = displaced clavicle may press on the trachea, the esophagus, and major blood vessels of neck
transverse humeral ligament of GH Joint
- strengthens
- connects the two tuberosities
- holds the tendon of biceps muscle in place.

Synovial membrane of GH Joint
- lines the capsule
- attached to the margins of the cartilage

a fluid-filled sac lined by synovial membrane
provides a cushion and reduce friction of shoulder and arms