MSK/ rheumatoid/ immunology Flashcards
Systemic manifestations of RA?
What can you see on bloods?
Eyes- sojrens, scleritis
sKin - nails, felty’s (leg ulcers)
Nodules - vocal chords, eyes,
Neuro - mononeuritis multiplex, polyneuropathy
Resp - PF, obliterative bronchiolitis
CVD - vascultiis, myocardial fibrosis,
kidneys - amyliodosis
Liver - ALT/AST raised, ALP raised
OP, depression, thryoid, splenomegaly
Bloods - RF, raised ferritin, leukopenia, reactive thrombocytopenia, anaemia
Felty’s syndrome (SANTA mnuemonic?) complication of RA
Splenomegaly, anaemia, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, arthritis (rheumatoid)
Numbness on left side of chin? nerve affected? (punched side of chin)
Mental nerve (chin and lip)
comes down level of mandibular 2nd premolars
<17YO morbilliform rash, fever, leukocytosis, anaemia, hepatosplenomegaly. followed by arthirits?
Still’s disease
Ank spond disease profile? (modified NY criteria?)
extra articular manifestations
score to determine effectiveness of drug therapy and functionality?
<15 - 25 YO back pain 3m+, limited ROM lumbar spine, limited chest expansion for sex and age. sacroilitis.
EA SX: OP, renal amyloid, acute anterior uvitis, restrictive lung disease, cauda equina, aortic lung insufficiency
scores: BASDAI (disease activity index) and BASFI (functionality index)
Synovial fluid - needle shaped, negatively bifringent
Pseudogout synovial fluid?
positive bifringeent, rhomboid shaped. calcium pyrophosphate
Indications for DEXA scan?
what predisposes to 2ndary OP?
<75YO hx of low trauma fracture , BMI<19, long term CS, post menopausal women with FH of hip fracture, XR with osteopenia/ vertebral collapse, oestrogen deficiency (premature ovarian failure)
2ndary OP: malabsopriton, antiepileptics, RA, PTH hig, TFTs, CKD, cushings, immobile
Central chord syndrome?
upper extremities - motor impairment more than lower
bladder dysfunction/ urine retention.
most common type of incomplete spinal syndrome, cervical spondylisis/ OA of neck/ hyperextension injury
Anterior chord syndrome
hyperflexion injury of spine/ anterior spinal A ischaemia
B/L loss of pain, temp/ motor below injury. intact proprioception and vibration
Sciatica causes?
slipped disc (most common), spondylolisthesis, spinal stenosis, infection, cancer. pain better leaning forward
Limited cutaneous systemic sclerosis / CREST syndrome?
ANTI Scl70, anti-centromere, ANA, barium swallow - dysphagia, calcified nodules, raynauds, esophageal dysmotility, sclerodactyl, telangactasia
Otawa knee rules?
55+, unable to flex 90 degrees, unable to weight bear, tender at patella and head of fibula
Adults: CT head rules? within 1 hr?
within 8 hrs?
GCS<13 at r/v / <12 2 hrs after depressed skull fracture, basal skull fracture signs, siezure, 1x vomit, neurolgoy,
within 8 hrs if: on warfarin/ 65+/ beleding/ clotting disorders/ 30min+ retrograde amnesia/ dangerous mechanism
Child CT rules within 1 hr?
<1YO with bruise/ swelling 5cm+ on head. skull fracture/ depressed. GCS<15 immediastely or 2 hrs after injury.
head injury+ LOC 5min/ vomit x3, amnesia 5min+, dangerous mechanism. if onyl 1 RF, then observe for 4 hrs, cT if further drowsiness/ vomitting/ GCS drop