Paeds skin/ vaccines Flashcards
Measles - intubation, nature of rash? contagious from?
Starts on face, spreads to neck and extremeties. intubation - 8-14 days. contagious 3-5 days before rash appears and 4 days after appears.
Chicken pox? when contagious when infectious?
intubation - 14 - 21 day. infect from few days before rash appears and 6 days after
risks: encephalitis (ataxia few days after, pneumonia)
erythema infectiosum?
human parvovirus b19. intubation 7-10 days. headache, fever, sore throat, abdo pain, arthralgia, red slapped cheek rash spares nasolabial folds 1 week after exposure sx last 2-3 days. when 1- 4 days get erythemous maculopapular rash in proximal extremities. reoccurs after stimuli eg overheating/ exercises. IG may be helpful for immunocompromised.
fever, sore throat unwell then rash on chest and torso, then spreads to limbs. course sandpaper rash, may start to peel (dequamation soles of hands and feet)
Scarlet fever, strep pygenes. OE: ENT: whtie strawberry tongue, cervical LN, swollen, red tonsils.
TX:penicillin/ azithromycin for 10 days. return to school after 24 hrs of abx.
intubation 2-4 days, area around mouth is spared from rash.
febrile seizure, high fever 4 days, then resolves. and new red rash on trunks then extremeties, buttocks, thighs with macules defined by haloe
Roseala infantum/ HHv6. exclude from school as long as unwell.
fever, coryzal, conjunctivitis, red blochy rash on head, neck then rest of body. red spots with white spec inside mouth buccal mucosa
measles. self limiting. paramyxovirus.
fever, sore throat then mouth ulcers, spots to vesicles on hand, feet,
hand, foot mouth disease. self limiting. CX: coxsackie B and enterovirus. rash lasts 3-6 days
itchy <6YO bullous and non bullous vesciles/ pustules burst with honey coloured crust.
exclude school 48 hrs after abx started or after lesions have healed dry and crusted over. impegito.
TX:localised - topical hydrogen peroxide, or fusidic acid 2%/ mupiricon 2% if resistant.
oral fluclox if widespread/ clarithromycin/ erythromcin (pregnant)
MMR vaccine?
1, 3yr 4months
vaccines at 2 months?
6 in 1( dipth, tetanus, polio, hepb hib), rotavirus, men B
vaccines at 3 months?
6 in 1, rotavirus, PCV (pneumonoccal conjugate)
4 month vaccines?
6 in 1, Men B
12- 13 months vaccines?
MMR, Hib/ Hep C, PCV, Men B
2- 4 yrs vaccines?
annual flu vaccine
3 yrs 4 months vaccine?
preschool booster - 4 in 1 (diptheria,tetanus, pertussis, polio)