Resp cards Flashcards
CPAP works by?
increasing intrathoracic pressure, which decreases diastolic and systolic transmural pressures. This can reduce LV preload and afterload, which can decrease cardiac output in most situations. good for T1RF, keep alveoli open and reduce WOB
TX in hospital?
HIb, Moraxella, strept pneumoniae. only tx if pneumonia/ purulent sputum. oherwise C/S 5 days reduces frequency of exacerbations.
admit: 02<90, low GCS, cyanosis,co-morbidities/sob.
tx in hosp:
28% Venturi mask at 4 l/min if RF for hypercapnia 88-92
ipr+saba nebs, CS
NIV 7.25 -7.35, HDU. Bipap
MX COPD? chronic?
C/S responsive features?
if features of HF?
- features of Cs responsivenmess -
- no features - SABA+LABA+LAMA
- if features - SABA/SAMA PRN+LABA+ICS
vaccines: pneumococcal one off, annual flu
CS response features? asthma/ atopy/ eosinophils/ 400ml variation in fev1, 20% diurnal variation in PEFR
cor pulmonale - loop diuretics.
who is abx prophylaxis for?
proph: azithromycin, recurrent exacerbations despite no smoking and inhaler control. do cT thorax to exclude bronchiectasis and ECG to see QT interval, LFTs
COPD MX - when to consider theophylline?
. consider if patient trialled inhaled therapy but not working. dose should be reduced if macrolide or fluoroquinolone antibiotics are co-prescribed
when to suspect COPD?
35+ smoke/ ex smoker/ SOB/ cough pururlent
IX: FEV1/FVC <0.7 post bronchodialtor, hest x-ray: hyperinflation, bullae, flat hemidiaphragm, polycythaemia fbc.
stages: 1=80%+ predicted FEv1 (Sx= dx)
2 = 50=57 mod
3 = 30-49 severe
4 <30% very severe
pneumonia: alcoholic and diabetics
may occur following aspiration
‘red-currant jelly’ sputum
often affects upper lobes
Asthma chronic mx?
- SABA + low ICS
- +mTrial LTRA
- SABA + low ICS + LABA +/- LTRA
- Mod MART / switch to mod ICS +LABA as above
- high ics + LABA stop MART
- trial theophylline. LAMA/ expert
50YO progressive exertional dyspnoea, clubbing, cough, bibasal crackle
FEV1:FVC >70%, decreased FVC
impaired gas exchange (reduced TLCO - transfer factor for carbon monoxide)
Restrictive pic
pulmonary fibrosis
other restrictive cx:
Acute respiratory distress syndrome
Infant respiratory distress syndrome
Kyphoscoliosis e.g. ankylosing spondylitis
Neuromuscular disorders
Severe obesity
why do you get low Pc02 in asthma?
low p02 causing hyperventilation
resp alkalosis cx?
anxiety leading to hyperventilation
pulmonary embolism
salicylate poisoning*
CNS disorders: stroke, subarachnoid haemorrhage, encephalitis
obstructive spirometry?
FEV1/FVC <0.7
FEV1 <80% normal
FVC reduced/ normal, not as reduced as fev1
cx: Asthma
Bronchiolitis obliterans
Restrictive spirometry pattern?
fev1< 80% of rpedicted
FVC < 80% predicted normal
fev1/fvc ratio = >0.7
pulmonary oedema
lobectomy/ pnuemectomy
paranchymal lung disease
connective tissue diseaseobesity/ pregnancy
what is bode index?
mortality in COPD indicator - fev1, BMI, 6 min walk, sob
When to insert chest drain for pneumothorax?
sX+ high risk - lung disease, 50+/smoking, hb unstable, haemothorax, B/L,hypoxia.
if sx and not high risk - ambulatory device - fu 2 daily/ needle aspiration/ chest drain with F/U in 2-4 weeks
no sx - F/U 2-3 daily
smoking cessation?
2 weeks of NRT therapy, and 3-4 weeks for varenicline (caution suicide) and bupropion (CI epilepsy, pregnancy).
don’t re-px within 6 months
abg of co2 retainer?
ABG triad for chronic CO2 retention:
Normal pH
High pCO2
High HCO3
post trans thoracic/ abdo surgery, mild pyrexia, reduced breath sounds and tachypnoeia?
Basal atelectasis. within 48 hrs. cx: mucus in bronchiole tree retained, bronchioles are blocked and air is re-absorbed, asal collapse. these may become infected
Resp acidosis cx?
inadequate ventilation - COPD/ gbs, opiates, MND, rib fracture, obesity.
What is transudate pleural effusion?
Fluid pushes through capillary due to capilalary hydrostatric pressure increase or decreased oncotic pressurefrom systemic causes - HF, cirrhosis, peritoneal dialysis, hypoalbuminaemia
less common: nephrotic syndrome, PE, MS, hypothyroid
pleural effusion: what is exudate? light’s criteria?
local causes: autoimmune, malignancy, infection, drugs, PE
fluid: serum LDH >0.6
fluid: serum protein >0.5
fluid LDH > 2/3upper limit of normal serum LDH
When to calculate anion gap in ABG? (NA-cl-hco3).
Cx of high?
split causes of metabolic acidosis further. high anion gap means reduced renal excretion of H+ or production
CX: DKA, lactic acisodid, aspirin OD renal failure
normal anion gap is when HCO3 is lost and replaced by Cl-
Normal anion gap cx?
RTA, addisions, GI H+ losses (ileostomy, colostomy, D+V)