MSK LE Special Test Flashcards
Special Tests for Hip Contracture/Tightness (6)
- Ely’s test
- Ober’s test
- Piriformis test
- Thomas test
- Tripod sign
- 90-90 SLR test
Special Tests for the Pediatric Hip (2)
- Barlow’s test
- Ortolani’s test
Special Tests for Knee Ligamentous Instability (8)
- Anterior drawer test
- Lachman’s test
- Lateral pivot shift test
- Posterior drawer test
- Posterior sag test
- Slocum test
- Valgus stress test
- Varus stress test
Special Tests for Meniscal Pathology (3)
- Apley’s Compression test
- Bounce home test
- McMurray test
Special Tests for Knee Swelling (2)
- Brush Test
- Patellar Tap Test
Special Tests for Ankle Ligamentous Instability (2)
- Anterior drawer test
- Talar tilt
Special Tests for L-Spine/SI Region (3)
- SI joint stress test
- Sitting flexion test
- Standing flexion test
Ely’s Test
Pt. in prone, slowly flex knee
+ = hip flexion occuring with knee flexion
Indicates: shortened/contracted rectus femoris
Ober’s Test
Pt. in sidelying with lower leg hip and knee flexed. Therapist moves test leg ino extension, ER, and ABD and then slowly lovers the leg
+ = inability of the test leg to add and touch the table
Indicates: shortened/contracted TFL
Piriformis Test
Pt in sidelying with test leg toward ceiling and hip flex 60 deg. Therapist places hand on pelvis and knee, apply ADD force on knee
+ = pain/tightness
Indicates: piriformis tightness or compression of sciatic nerve
Thomas Test
Pt supine with legs fully extended, then asked to bring on knee to chest. Observe contralateral hip and leg
+ = straight leg rising from tape
Indicates: hip flexor contracture
Tripod Sign
Pt sits with hip and knee flexed to 90, therapists passively extends one knee
+ = tightness in hamstrings or trunk extension
Indicates: hamstring tightness
90-90 SLR Test
Pt. supine with hips 90 and knees relaxed, ask pt. to extend knee
+ = knee remain in 20 degor more of flexion
Indicates: hamstring tightness
Barlow’s Test
Pt. supine with hips flexed to 90 and knees bent. Stabilize femur and pelvis while moving leg into ADD with posterior force through line of femur.
+ = click/clunk
Indicates: dislocated hip being reduced
Ortolani’s Test
Pt. supine with hips flexed to 90 and knees bent. Therapist grabs legs with thumb at medial thigh, hip ABD with gentle posterior pressure until resistance is felt at 30 deg
+ = click/clunk
Indicates: dislocated hip being reduced
Craig’s Test
Pt. prone with knee flexed to 90. Palpate greater trochanter and IR/ER hip until greater trochnater is at it’s most lateral point/parallel to table. Measure angle of leg with table
Normal Anteversion = 8-15 degress
Patrick’s (FABER) Test
Pt. supine, place leg in hip flex, ABD, and ER with ankle resting above opposite knee. Slowly lower test leg to table at knee
+ = failure of test leg to ABD below opposite leg
Indicates: iliopsoas tightness or SI/Hip joint abnormalities
Quadrant Scouring Test
Pt. supine with hip flexed, move hip through ABD/ADD while applying compressive force through the hip
+ = grinding, catching, or crepitus
Indicates: hip pathology such as arthritis, avascular necrosis, or osteochondral defect
Trendelenburg Test
Pt. asked to stand on one leg
+ = drop of pelvis on unsupported side
Indicates: gluteus medius weakness on the supporting limb
Anterior Drawer Test
Pt. in supine with knee flexed and foot stabilized on table. Grasp behind the tibia at the knee joint and apply anterior force
+ = excessive anterior translation of tibia
Indicates: ACL injury
Lachman’s Test
Pt. supine with knee flexed to 20-30 deg. Stabilize distal femur, grasp proximal tibia and apply anterior force
+ = excessive anterior tibial translation
Indicates: ACL injury
Lateral Pivot Shift Test
Pt. supine with hip flexed and ABD 30 deg with slight IR. Therapist grasps leg and lateral proximal tibia, IR tibia while applying a valgus force to knee and slowly flex the knee
+ = palpable shift/clunk between 20-40 deg of knee flexion
Indicates: Tibia reducing on femur
Posterior Drawer Test
Pt. supine with knee flexed and foot stabilized on table. Apply posterior force through tibial plateaus
+ = excessive posterior tibial translation
Indicates: PCL injury
Posterior Sag Sign
Pt. supine with hip and knee flexed to 90 and heels supported, can additionally asked pt. to dig heels into hands.
+ = tibia sagging back on femur
Indicates: PCL injury
Slocum Test
Pt. supine with knees flexed to 90, hips flexed to 45. IR lower leg 30 deg and stabilize on table. Apply anterior force through proximal tibia.
+ = movement of tibia occuring primarily at the lateral side
Indicates: anterolateral instability
Valgus Stress Test
Pt. supine with knee flexed to 20-30 degrees. Apply valgus force
+ = excessive valgus movement
Indicates MCL sprain
With leg at 0-5 deg, MCL receives aid from ACL/PCL
Varus Stress Test
Pt. supine with knee flexed to 20-30 degrees. Apply varus force
+ = excessive valgus movement
Indicates LCL sprain
With leg at 0-5 deg, LCL receives aid from ACL/PCL
Apley’s Compression
Pt. prone with knee flexed to 90. Apply compressive force through tibia while IR/ER rotating leg
+ = pain/clikcing
Indicates: meniscal lesion
Bounce Home Test
Pt. supine, grasp pt’s heel and maxmially flex then extend knee
+ = imcomplete extension or rubbery end feel
Indicates: meniscal lesion
McMurray Test
Pt. supine. Therapist IR tibia, applies varus force and extends knee, repeat while ER tibia, applying valgus force, and extending knee
+ = click or crepitus
Indicates: meniscal lesion
IR+Varus = medial meniscus
ER+Valgus = lateral meniscus
Brush Test
Pt. supine, therapist places on hand below joint line on medial patella and strokes proximally the other hand then strokes down lateral patella
+ = wave of fluid just below medial distal border of patella
Indicates: knee effusion
Patellar Tap Test
Pt. supine, therapist applies slight tap over patella
+ = patella appears to be floating
Indicates: joint effusion
Clarke’s Sign
Pt. supine with therapist applying slight distal pressure to the superior pole of the patella. Ask pt. to contract quad
+ = failure to complete contraction without pain
Indicates: patellofemoral dysfunction
Hughston’s Plica Test
Pt. supine, therapist flexes knee and IR tibia while other hand moves patella medially and palpates medial femoral condyle
+ = popping over medial plica with knee motion
Noble Compression Test
Pt. supine, therapist applied pressure at lateral femoral condyle and asks pt. to extend knee
+ = pain over lateral femoral condyle at appox 30 deg of knee flexion
Indicates: IT band friction syndrome
Patellar Apprehension TEst
Pt. supine, therapist applies lateral force to patella
+ = look of apprehension or attempt to contract quadriceps
Indicates: patellar subluxation/dislocation
Ankle Anterior Drawer Test
Stabilize distal tibia/fibula and grasp calcaneus, apply anterior force through calcaneus
+ = excessive atnerior translation of talus
Indicates: anterior talofibular ligament sprain
Talar Tilt Test
Stabilize distal tibia/fibula, grasp lateral talus/calcaneus and apply inversion force
+ = excessive ADD/inversion
Indicates: Calcaeofibular ligament sprain
Thompson Test
Pt. prone, squeeze calf
+ = absence of PF
Indicates: Achilles Tendon Rupture
SI Joint Stress Test
Pt. supine, apply lateral/doward pressure through ASIS
+ = pain at SI joint/gluteal region
Indicates: SI joint dysfunction