MSK: disease states Flashcards
Bone density score in osteopenia and osteoporosis
osteopenia: T score -1 to -2.5
osteoporosis: T score -2.5 or less
MC site for herniated disc
Classic triad for epidural abscess
fever, spinal pain, neuro deficits
idiopathic compression of the brachial plexus, subclavian vein, or subclavian artery
thoracic outlet syndrome
pars interarticularis defect due to failure of fusion or stress fracture
MC joint affected in acute gouty attack
first MTP joint of great toe (podagra)
Dx in gout
arthrocentesis with negatively birefringent, needle shaped crystals
Dx in calcium pyrophosphate dehydrate deposition disease (Pseudogout)
arthrocentesis with positively birefringent, rhomboid shaped crystals
MC joint affected in acute CPPD attack
autoimmune mono or polyarthritis in children <16 yo for >6 weeks
Juvenile (Idiopathic) Rheumatoid Arthritis
MC organism to cause septic arthritis
S aureus
Dx for septic arthritis
arthrocentesis with WBC >50k, primarily neutrophils
Dx for compartment syndrome
increased intracompartmental pressure >30 mmHg or delta pressure <20-30 mmHg
Tx for compartment syndrome
MC organism to cause acute osteomyelitis
S aureus