MSK Flashcards
A lateral blow to the knee causes the “unhappy triad” injury. What makes up the triad?
Lateral meniscus
Dislocation of which wrist bone can cause median nerve compression?
Which 2 nerves come off the posterior cord of the brachial plexus?
Axillary and radial (i.e. extensors)
Trauma to which wrist bone can damage the ulnar nerve?
Hamate (specifically the hook)
“Pope’s blessing” claw = _____ nerve damage.
What nerve innervates the thenar muscles?
Which muscles are responsible for the clawing defects seen in ulnar and median nerve lesions?
Flex at MCP, extend at PIP and DIP
What is the MOA of etanercept, a drug used to treat moderate-to-severe RA in patients who have failed methotrexate alone?
A decoy TNF-alpha that binds to the Fc component of IgG to reduce the biological activity of TNF-alpha
What is McCune-Albright syndrome and how does it present?
Mutation in GNAS gene -> constant G protein activation -> hormone overproduction
Peripheral precocious puberty
Irregular cafe-au-lait macules
Polyostotic fibrous dyslplasia
What is Legg-Calve-Perthes disease?
A disease of young children that results in isolated idiopathic osteonecrosis of the hip.
Which band does not get smaller in muscle contraction?
A band
“HIZ shrinkage”
Which autoimmune marker is seen in primary biliary cirrhosis?
Anti-mitochondrial antibodies
Which artery is at risk from a femoral neck fracture?
Medial circumflex
Anti-Jo antibodies are Abs against what exactly?
(seein in polymyositis!)
Against histidyl-trna-synthetase
What are the treatments for ACUTE gouty arthritis and what is the MOA?
NSAIDs are fine in most patients but if not (i.e. renal failure, PUD)…Colchicine:
Anti-inflammatory that binds intracellular tubulin preventing tubulin polymerization into microtubules -> impaired leukocyte migration and phagoyctosis -> reduced inflammation
Can cause n/v/d
What drug is contraindicated/needs to be monitored with allopurinol (xanthine oxidase inhibitor) use?
Longterm treatment for gout?
Allopurinol (xanthine oxidase inhibitor) to decrease uric acid production
In addition to spinal problems, what other symptoms can ankylosing spondylitis patients present with?
Chronic hypoventilation
Ascending aortitis -> aortic insufficiency
Anterior uveitis
Back pain relieved by walking up hill or leaning on a stroller/shopping cart = ?
Spinal stenosis, usually caused by degenerative arthritis of the spine
This leads to hypertrophy of the ligamentum flavum along the posterior aspect of the spinal canal
What crystal accumulates in pseudogout? How will patients present?
Calcium pyrophosphate
Present with acute mono or oligo arthritis (often knee) characterized by pain, swelling, erythema, and warmth.
Synovial fluid will show blue pos birefringent crystals, rhomboid shaped + neutrophils