MSK Flashcards
what are you looking for during inspection
scars (suggestive of previous surgery eg knee replacement if scar down the middle or trauma to the joint) wasting of muscle bulk (due to disuse, especially if there is chronic pain such as arthritis. Muscle atrophy LMN lesion (peripheral neuropathy) perform neurological exam ). Knee deformities: valgus (knock knees- genu valgum-gum stick together-genetic ) valrus (bow legged- genu varum-rum makes you spread your knees-osteomalacia )
what do you feel
: for temp (use banck of your hands, feel for temperature at patellar, above and below joint and compare left to right hand side). Warmth (inflammatory conditions (OA/ septic A this can cause irreplaceable damge to joints). Feel around patella, medial and lateral joint line, tibial tuberosity, head of fibula and popliteal fossa
what is swelling in popliteal fossa
baker’s cyst
what are effusions
excess synovial fluid caused by arthritis or damage to internal structures of the knee such as meniscus
what is the tap method
pt knee extended, slide non dominant hand done thigh to empty suprapatellar pouch, then press firmly over patella with your dominant hand (moderate effusion- feel tap as patella hits femur).
when is the tap method used
big effusion
what is the sweep method
knee extended, non dominant hand sweep upward on medial side of knee to empty medial compartment , keep non dominant hand there and then use right hand to sweep downward on lateral side of knee to empty lateral compartment. Small effusions: see ripple/ bulge of fluid on medial side of knee
why could there be reduced ROM
due to arthiritis
what could cause anterior draw
dammage to MCL, signficant movement compared to other leg=laxity of ACL
when should you not interpret anterior draw as positive
when there is a posterior sag (PCL tear)
what is the ROM of leg
0 (full extension)–> 135. can be -10 and normal if both sides are -10
What are the 4 quadricep muscles
(rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus intermedius, vastus medialis)
What type of bone is patella
Which nerve near to fibula is at risk of damage
(common peroneal nerve)
What lig prevents tibia from sliding backwards
PCL-posterior cruciate ligameent