MSE Practice Flashcards
MSE Scenarios
Appearance in Depression
May begin to neglect personal hygiene and grooming, dresses in drab colours
MSE Scenarios
Behaviour in Depression
Agitation, restlessness, marked fatigue, stooped posture and wringing, socially withdrawn and in severe depression psychomotor retardation.
MSE Scenarios
Speech in Depression
Decreased rate and rhythm, mutism, increased latency, soft, monotonous.
MSE Scenarios
Affect in Depression
Flat, constricted
MSE Scenarios
Mood in Depression
Document their mood using the patient’s self report: down, depressed, sad, blue, unhappy
MSE Scenarios
Thought in Depression
Poverty of ideas, poor concentration. Content: Thoughts of worthlessness, hopelessness, suicidal ideation, inappropriate guilt. Occasionally mood congruent delusions.
MSE Scenarios
Perception in Psychotic depression
Occasionally mood congruent hallucinations
MSE Scenarios
Cognition in Depression
Memory gaps due to concentration
MSE Scenarios
Insight in Depression
May range from impaired to good
MSE Scenarios
Judgement in Depression
Impaired by negative thoughts
MSE Scenarios
Appearance in Anxiety
Ranges from fastidious to disheveled
MSE Scenarios
Behaviour in Axiety
Psychomotor agitation, tremor, fidgety, hyper-vigilant, frozen with fear, avoidant, limited cooperation
MSE Scenarios
Speech in Axiety
Pressured but interruptible or poverty of speech
MSE Scenarios
Affect in Axiety
Anxious, scared, labile, irritable, angry
MSE Scenarios
Mood in Axiety
Document their mood using the patient’s self report: angry, anxious
MSE Scenarios
Thought in Axiety
Perseverative, ruminative, circumstantial. Content: obsessions, concerns regarding danger.
MSE Scenarios
Cognition in Axiety
Intact apart from concentration and attention
MSE Scenarios
Insight in Axiety
Impaired as anxiety is fear out of propotion
MSE Scenarios
Judgement in Axiety
MSE Scenarios
Appearance in Mania
Clothing brightly coloured, flamboyant, attention getting and possibly sexually suggestive
MSE Scenarios
Behaviour in Mania
Hyperactive, boisterous
MSE Scenarios
Speech in Mania
Pressure of speech, loud, rapid, difficult to interpret. May be tangential or circumstantial
MSE Scenarios
Affect in Mania
Euphoric, maybe irritable, labile
MSE Scenarios
Mood in Mania
Document their mood using the patient’s self report: happy, excited
MSE Scenarios
Thought in Mania
Accelerated “flight of ideas”, multiple plans but cannot carry them through to completion. Attention: distractible. Delusions related to wealth, power, abilities
MSE Scenarios
Perception in Mania
Mood congruent hallucinations
MSE Scenarios
Cognition in Mania
MSE Scenarios
Insight in Mania
See no need for help “never felt better”
MSE Scenarios
Judgement in Mania
MSE Scenarios
Appearance in Psychosis
Self neglect, unusual combinations, symbolic, eccentric
MSE Scenarios
Behaviour in Psychosis
Posturing, catatonia (neurogenic motor immobility), withdrawn, movement disorder secondary to medication
MSE Scenarios
Speech in Psychosis
Disorganised, poverty of content, perseveration in catatonia
MSE Scenarios
Affect in Psychosis
Blunted, flat, incongruent
MSE Scenarios
Mood in Psychosis
Document their mood using the patient’s self report: blunted, flat, incongruent
MSE Scenarios
Thought in Psychosis
Loosening of associations, blocking, delusions, thought broadcasting, ideas of reference, magical thinking, concrete thinking
MSE Scenarios
Perception in Psychosis
Hallucinations (auditory are common), command, 3rd person
MSE Scenarios
Cognition in Psychosis
Memory gaps, false memories (based on delusional beliefs)
MSE Scenarios
Insight in Psychosis
MSE Scenarios
Judgement in Psychosis