MSCA Flashcards
Patient has right-sided pleuritic chest pain and sudden onset breathlessness. She has bleeding peptic ulcer. CT pulmonary angiogram: thrombus in both pulmonary arteries. Initial treatment?
IV unfrractionated heparin
Risk of haemorrhage - can be stopped and reversed.
Investigation for sudden onset constant pain radiating from right flank to groin. 2+ blood, 1+ leucocytes.
Non-contrast CT of renal tract (CTKUB)
Patient with DEXA T-score -3.9. Taking colecalciferal and calcium carbonate. What else should they be given?
Alendronic acid (bisphosphonate)
Patient is breathless 3 hours after removal of chest drain. Diagnosis?
Severe abdominal pain 4 weeks after aortiobifemoral bypass graft. Diffuse abdominal tenderness with absent bowel sounds. Unremarkable AXR. High lactate. Cause?
Mesenteric ischaemia
65 year old woman with bloody diarrhoea for 4 weeks. Urgency to pass stool and to get up in the night to pass stool. Left eye has been red. Diagnosis?
Ulcerative colitis
Can get anterior uveitis in both UC and CD
public health one?
Patient has pain on radial side of wrist, worse when playing piano. Swelling and tenderness over distal end of left radial styloid. Exacerbated by ulnar deviation when the thumb is clasped in the palm. Diagnosis?
de Quervain tendiopathy
(Finkelstein test described in question)
Patient has 25% change in serum creatinine following medication addition. What do you do next?
Repeat bloods
Only change treatment if >30%
Patient has HbA1c of 45. What do you do next?
Refer for Diabetes Prevention Programme
24 year old man falls and gets low back pain. What do you advise?
Continue usual activity
Short duration acute low back pain in fit person
Patient on chemotherapy becomes septic. What do you do first? Discuss with local oncology team? Give IV abx? Give IV fluids? Admit to medical receiving unit?
Give IV broad spectrum abx
Neutropenic sepsis potential - prompt abx most important
Patient has painful, swollen left elbow and fever. History of rheumatoid arthitis. WCC is high, CRP is high.
Joint aspiration: no organisms, high WCC, neutrophils, no crystals. Advised to take oral paracetamol. What’s the most appropriate additional management?
IV flucloxacillin
Gram stain only positive in 50% of cases of septic arthritis.
Patient collapses. Unrousable and clammy. Glucose 2.3mmol/L. Immediate management?
20% glucose IV infusion
IM glucagon has unpleasant effects e.g. nausea and flushing, but is a reasonable second choice if no venous access available.
T2DM patient. Metformin stopped due to worsening CKD (eGFR 28) Taking maximum dose of gliclazide (sulfonylurea). What is the most appropriate additional diabetes treatment? Patient wants to avoid injections.
DPP4 inhibitor (sitagliptin)
Approved for use in CKD. SGL2 not approved. GLP-1 is SC.
Patient has nausea, fever and rigors. Foul smelling urine. Had PE 3 days ago. LMWH injections since. High HR, low BP, high APTT, high PT. Condition causing high PT?
Sepsis triggering DIC
Patient has unilateral sensorineural hearing loss (abnormal pure-tone, normal tympanometry). What is the most appropriate diagnostic investigation?
MR internal acoustic meatus
Exclude vestibular schwannoma or other neoplasm
Patient in GP has symptoms of Crohn’s. Which investigation is first?
- anti-TTG
- faecal calprotectin
- stool culture
Stool culture
Part of work up in primary care before referral
Patient laughs then collapses, but remains conscious. What is the diagnosis?
Loss of skeletal muscle tone with strong emotions
56F has worsening hip pain from osteoartheiti. Controlled with paracetamol and ibuprogen gel. Has peptic ulcer disease. Creptisu on movement of hips. Most appropriate management for pain?
Switch paracetamol to co-codamol
Could give NSAID instead but peptic ulcer disease is a contraindication.
48M has painful, stiff left shoulder. Dull and worse at night. PMH diabetes. Reduced movement of left shoulders with pain at extremes. CRP is 6. Diagnosis?
Adhesive capsulitis
More likely > 40 years
Rotator cuff tear more likely > 70 yeas
Subacromial pathology - occupational/athletic, heavy lifting or reptitive movements above shoulder
Patient has abdominal pain after gastrectomy. Reduced breath sounds in both bases. Abdominal tenderness with guarding and reduced bowel sounds. Diagnostic investigation?
CT abdomen
Patient SOB 12 hours after abdominal surgery. Large amount of blood in abdominal drains. Treated with IV fluid bolus and surgical registrar informed. What next?
- Major haemorrhage protocol
- IV noradrenaline
- IV tranexamic acid
- Prothrombin complex concentrate
Activate major haemorrhage protocol
Patient taking insulin, lisinopril, metoprolol, aspirin. BP high. Pitting oedema to mid shin. Potassium 5.4 (3.5-5.3). What medication should you stop, switch, or add?
Add furosemide
- help with peripheral oedema
- lower BP
- lower potassium
Pregnant woman in resus after being kicked by a horse. Low BP. High HR. Fluid resus started and bloods sent. What next?
- full primary survey
- scan and monitor baby
- transfer to theatre and deliver baby
- x-ray cervical spine
Full primary survey
Patient with metastatic lung cancer has back pain at L1, leg weakness, and urinary retention. Most appropriate investigation?
MR whole spine
75F comes to GP with breathlessness on exertion. Cough with white sputum. Lost 2kg in weight. 2 chest infections in last year. 15 pack-year smoking history. CXR normal. Diagnostic investigation?
Patient has signs of extradural haemorrhage. Lens-shaped haemorrhage seen on CT in right parietal region. Which vessel was injured?
Middle meningeal artery
Patient gets numbness that starts in hands, moves up the hand to the face, then a pulsating frontal headache lasting 2 days associated with nausea. Which treatment can reduce the frequency of these episodes?
Prophylaxis for migraine
Triptan + NSAID/paracetamol for attack
Students living in the same halls get diarrhoea. No foreign travel and haven’t eaten similar foods. What should be tested in the stool to confirm the diagnosis?
Stool for viral PCR
Confirming norovirus
Red flag back pain symptoms i.e. waking up at night. Initial investigation?
X-ray lumbar spine
If negative, do MRI
Patient taking amlodipine, doxazosin, gliclazide, metformin, and oxybutinin. Which is worsening her constipation?
Patient has fever 2 days after elective subtotal gastrectomy. O2 sats low. Reduced breath sounds at both lung bases. Abdomen is soft, with tenderness around her wound. Her drain has serous output. What is the most likely postoperative complication?