MRCP Rheum Flashcards
What is the commonest cause of gout?
impaired renal excretion of uric acid
What are the main symptoms of PMR
early morning stiffness in proximal muscles and aching
constitutional symptoms (FLAWS)
What is the autoantibody for Still’s disease?
autoantibody negative
Where does tibial nerve compression occur?
medial malleolus
Which nerve injury do you see foot drop and eversion deficit?
common peroneal nerve
Which 3 medications are commonly known to be folate antagonists?
What is the treatment for Paget’s?
Can give IV zolendronate if GORD
HLA for ankylosing spondylitis?
NOTE: seronegative
What eye symptom do you get in GCA?
altitude defect (bottom up or top down)
ischaemic optic neuropathy
What age group does PMR occur?
Which body parts does PMR affect?
shoulder girle, spreading both shoulders
pelvic girdle
What condition has small joint polyarthritis?
Rheumatoid arthritis
What are the main symptoms of sjogrens?
dry gritty eyes
dry mouth
What condition presents with discoid/malar rash and joint pains?
What condition has normal CRP but raised ESR?
ESR used to monitor disease
What is felty’s syndrome?
rheumatoid arthritis
Why is there hypersplenism in felty syndrome?
reticuloendothelial stimulation
What drug class is given for ankylosing spondylitis after failure of 2 NSAIDs?
anti-TNF agent
What drug is given for Wilsons?
What drug should be given in ankylosing spondylitis with peripheral arthritis?
DMARD: sulfasalazine/methotrexate
Which antibody is associated with CREST - limited cutaneous scleroderma?
Which antibody is associated with diffuse systemic sclerosis (scleroderma)
anti- scl70
Anti-Topoisomerase II
What is the differential for heaviness in both legs and worse back pain with extending back?
spinal stenosis
Which vasculitis is most commonly associated with pulmonary renal syndrome
microscopic polyangitis
Which antibody is associated with microscopic polyangitis?
SLE multisystem manifestation mneumonic
Multisystem autoimmune disorder characterised by the presence of an array of the following features (SOAP BRAIN MD)
Oral Ulcers
Bloods (cytopaenias)
Renal Disease
Immunological Factors (anti-dsDNA, anti-Sm)
Neurological Factors (psychosis, seizures)
Malar Rash
Discoid Rash
What is the earliest sign of RA on XR?
Which type of urate is gout and polarisation?
monosodium urate monohydrate arthropathy
needle shaped
negatively bifringent
What is the management of gout?
NSAID (not in CKD)
Prednisolone (not in DM)
What condition is associated with looser zones on XR?
low vit D- low calcium, low phosphate, high ALP
linear areas of low density
What is the management of SLE with simple arthralgia?
What is the management of SLE with arthritis and treatment resistant/severe?
What is the management of SLE with internal organ involvement?
What is AIN
acute interstitial nephritis
drug hypersensitivity
AKI, fever, arthralgia, eosinophilia
When is minimal change nephropathy seen?
children with nephrotic syndrome
What is renal tubular acidosis type 4
NSAID induced
Why do you get calcific tendonitis?
Deposits of hydroxyapatite crystal in injured rotator cuff muscles
Which AZA is safe in pregnancy
Which haem condition causes avascular necrosis of femoral head
Sickle cell disease
What is the first line therapy for gonococcal arthritis?
What is the first line treatment for early RA?
Initial Management
First-Line: DMARD Monotherapy
Options: methotrexate, leflunomide and sulfasalazine
Alternative: hydroxychloroquine
Consider DMARDs in combination if monotherapy is ineffective
Offer short-course glucocorticoids for managing flares
What is reactive arthritis
sexually transmitted disease/gastroenteritis
can’t see
cant pee
cant climb trees
What does early morning stiffness lasting more than 1 hr suggest?
inflammatory arthritis
Fibromyalgia diagnostic criteria
widespread pain for at least 3 months in addition to tenderness of at least 11 out of 18 designated tender point sites.
What is lateral epicondylitis?
tennis elbow
What is medial epicondylitis?
golfer’s elbow
pain on pronation and flexion of wrist
Give an example of COX1 inhibitor
reduces prostaglandin in stomach
Which complement is associated with SLE?
note C3 is low in active disease
What is z score and T score
Z = 0 (normal BMD for age)
T (>-1 = normal) - compared to normal individual age adjusted
What is T score of osteopenia and osteoporosis
-1 and -2.5
-2.5 and below
What are the features of polyartertis nodosa?
Hep B
Form aneurysms
- rosary sign on renal angio
Constitutional upset
Skin rash
Peripheral neuropathy
Renal impairment
NOTE: associated with hepatitis B
-mononeuritis multiplex,
-sensorimotor polyneuropathy
-p (ANCA) are found in around 20% of patients with ‘classic’ PAN
-hepatitis B serology positive in 30% of patients
systemic necrotising vasculitis -> aneurysm forms
Rosary string of bead sign due to microaneurysm
How does dermatomyositis present?
symmetrical promixal myopathy
heliotrope purple rash on cheek/eyelid
gottron papule (rough red extensor surface)
CK elevated
note: polymyositis has no heliotrope rash
What eye symptoms does MS present?
Unilateral optic neuritis
What is the diagnostic criteria for RA?
Joint involvement (large and small)
Serology (RA factor, anti-CCP)
Acute phase reactant (ESR/CRP)
Duration of symptoms (6 weeks or longer)
RA x-ray changes
S: oft tissue swelling
P: eri-articular osteoporosis
A: bsent osteophytes
D: eformity
E: rosions (late feature)
S: ubluxation (late feature)
What is enteropathic arthritis?
Athritis associated with IBD (crohn’s)
What is the first line management for Behcet syndrome?
What is Behcet syndrome?
vasculitis affecting mucocutaneous , vascular, GI, eye, CNS
triad of symptoms:
- oral ulcers
- genital ulcers
- anterior uveitis
What HLA is associated with behcet syndrome?
ANA and ANCA negative!
What is the classical presentation of Still’s
maculopapular salmon pink rash
intermittent fever
Mx: NSAID, steroid, methotrexate, tocilizumab
What is pseudogout crystal and polarisation?
calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate
Rhomboid crystals
POSITIVELY bifrengence
What is pseudogout associated with
metabolic disorders
What is Sheuermann disease?
Deforming thoracic kyphosis
What are the 3 types of cryoglobulinaemia?
(precipitating from temperature diff)
arthralgia, pupura, glomerulonephritis
T1: monoclonal (raynaud/MM/waldenstrom)
T2: mixed (hep C/RA/Sjogrens/lymphoma)
T3: polyclonal (RA/sjogrens)
Rheumatic factor!
Which antibody is associated with SLE?
ds-DNA (specific)
ANA (sensitive)
Which antibody is associated with sjogrens?
anti Ro and La
What is straight leg raise negative?
spinal stenosis
Which 3 antibodies are associated with antiphospholipid syndrome?
Anti cardiolipin
lupus anticoagulant
anti beta2 glycoprotein 1
recurrent miscarriage, livedo rahs, prolonged APTT/INR
What side effect is rarely seen with hydroxychloroquine?
hair loss
bald blind man swimming
What side effect is seen with sulfasalazine?
What is a consequence of atlanto-axial subluxation in RA?
Cervical myelopathy => spinal cord compression
Which antibodies are non specific?
What is dermatomyositis associated with?
malignancy (paraneoplastic)
Which maternal autoantibody causes neonatal lupus?
Anti-Ro (crosses placenta)
Which arthritis is associated with keratoderma blenorrhagica?
Reactive arthritis
brown macule/vesicle/pustule on palms and soles
How does arthritis present in gonococcal arthritis?
migratory (not fixed)
What is the difference between gonococcal arthritis and reactive arthritis?
Both STI
Reactive- oligoarthritis (2-4 joints) no tenosynovitis
Gonococcal- periarthritis dermatitis tenosynovitis
What is the blood test like in osteoporosis?
Normal bone profile
Normal PTH
ALP can be elevated following fracture
Why are patients with nephrotic syndrome at risk of avascular necrosis?
Loss of protein S and antithrombin 3 in urine
What are the two signs for carpel tunnel?
Tinel-tapping median nerve in carpal tunnel
Phalen-inverse prayer
Which diuretic cause gout?
Which antibody is more specific to RA?
What is the difference between spondylosis and spondylolisthesis?
Spondylosis= degenerative, narrow space
Spondylolisthesis=on verterae slips forward or backward over the bone below it (likely due to OA)
Which DMARD used in RA is safe in pregnancy?
What is bilateral sacroiliac erosion suggestive of?
Ank Spond (more specific than HLA type)
SLE manifestation percentage:
Joint (>80%)
Skin (75%)
Lung (60%)
Kidney (30%)
Heart and vessel (25%)
Epidemiology of SLE
9 times more common in women
more common in Afro-Caribbeans* and Asian
onset is usually 20-40 years
First degree relatives 3% dwveloping
Associated with HLADR2 and HLADR3 in white people
What lung condition is RA associated with?
Bronchiolitis obliterans
diffuse wheeze
Mx: steroids
Which bone is most susceptible to Paget’s
Lumbar spine
lytic and sclerosis
Which nodes are present in OA?
- Bouchard
- Heberden
What is the management of chronic fatigue syndrome?
What is arthritis mutilans
psoriatic arthropathy
telescoping fingers, nail pitting, horizontal ridge
What is the XR lumbar appearance of ank spond?
Tramline Bamboo spine
XR pelvis- fusion of sacroiliac joint
Why does Paget’s present with deafness
foraminal narrowing causing compression of 8th cranial nerve
What eGFR is alendronate contraindicated?
eGFR <35
Which medication is used for secondary prevention of fractures in osteoporosis with CKD ?
Denosumab (RANK ligand)
How does RA affect joints?
small joints
How does Takayasu present?
upper limb claudication
constitutional upset
weak puse
BP diff both arms
idiopathic arteritis, women 20-40
Which anti TB medication is associated with gout?
What should be ruled out in MONOARTHRITIS
What are the hallmarks of primary raynaud
- 30 year old female
- symmetrical attack
- seronegative antibody
What are the hallmarks of secondary raynaud?
- 50+ male
- digital ulcer/gangrene
- asymmetrical attack
- positive autoantibodies
what type of anaemia
What is anaemia of chronic disease
normocytic anaemia
secondary to chronic inflammatory disease/CKD
What is diagnostic of ank spond?
XR of sacroiliac joint
What is the first line treatment for ank spond back pain?
NSAID - naproxen
Rim of calcification on lateral meniscus?
chondrocalcinosis - deposition of calcium pyrophosphate along the margins of the cartilage
What is the renal complication seen in eGPA?
necrotizing crescent glomerulonephritis
(rapid progressive)
What renal complication is seen in SLE
membranous glomerulonephritis
Which part of IgG does rheumatoid factor target?
Fc portion of IgG1
Which HLA is associated with Felty syndrome?
Outline management of Psoriatic arthritis
- NSAID for sx relief
DMARD - if both skin and arthritis
- leflunomide
- sulfasalazine - not for skin
- methotrexate - joint and skin
- ciclosporin - anti-TNF alfa (refractory to above)
note- stop sulfasalazine if adding anti TNF
What 4 triggers gout
Drugs- diuretics
What is Pott’s disease
Mx: 12 month therapy
What are the causes of ATN?
How do you classify between limited and diffuse scleroderma?
Area of skin distribution
- limited to below elbow and knee in limited sclerosis
- trunk in diffuse
- both can affect face
Which 2 conditions is ischaemic optic neuropathy associated with?
What are the complications of PAN
Bowel perforation
Pulmonary haemorrhage
Management of frozen shoulder
Acute: pain
- steroid injection
Chronic: stiffness
- physio
What neurological involvement is APL syndrome associated with?
APL syndrome management
Secondary thromboprophylaxis:
- previous clot -> warfarin lifelong (INR 2-3)
- recurrent clot-> warfarin lifelong + aspirin (INR 3-4)
Primary Thrmbophrophylaxis:
- aspirin
aspirin as soon as pregnant->LMWH when fetal HB seen -> until 34 weeks
What is meralgia paraesthetica?
entrapped lateral cutaneous nerve of thigh
triggered by tight clothing
Which autoantibody is associated with dermatomyositis?
Polymyositis: Anti-Jo1
Dermatomyositis: Anti-Mi2
Outline management for dermatomyositis
- steroid
- azathioprine/ciclosporin/methotrexate
check TPMT level before azathioprine
What are the signs of patellar bursitis
fluctuant oedema
crepitus of knee
What is henoch schonlein purpura
rash on buttock and lower limb
raised IgA- nephropathy
(recent URTI)
What is the significance of presence of anti- Jo 1 antibody
POLYmyositis and interstitial lung disease
What is the diagnostic test for myositis
muscle biopsy
What condition presents with bilateral idiopathic avascular necrosis of scaphoid?
preiser disease
What is the medication to reduce further risk of gout attack?
What is the first line investigation for monoarthritis (even in those with known inflammatory arthritis?)
Joint aspiration
Start abx immediately
What is the most common organism causing septic arthritis?
Staph aureus
What the most common organisms causing childhood septic arthritis?
Haemophilus influenza
What is the most common bug associated with septic arthritis in sickle cell?
Why is the ESR high in primary sjogren?
High gammaglobulinaemia
What is the most common form of progression of RA?
What is osteochondritis dissecans
subchondral crescent sign or loose bodies due to local necrosis and underlying bone
What are the 2 most common causes of death in systemic sclerosis?
- pulmonary fibrosis
- Kidney disease
What are the colonoscopy findings of Crohns?
Rose thorn ulcer
Discrete ulcers
Cobble stone mucosa
Note: associated with enteropathic arthritis
What are the 4 invetigation to aid diagnosing sjogrens?
oral labial biopsy
MRI of parotid gland
schirmer’s test
anti Ro
What are the findings on colonoscopy of UC?
crypt abscess
Note: associated with enteropathic arthritis
What is the bone profile like in Paget’s
isolated ALP rise
indicating high bone turnover
Why does negative temporal biopsy not rule out GCA?
Skip lesions
What should women of child bearing age be told before starting methotrexate?
Birth control measures must be in use before (teratogenic)
if planning conception- stop meds 3-6 months
What is the joint aspirate result in reactive arthritis?
no growth
What triggers reactive arthritis?
Enteric infection:
- shigella
- salmonella
- yersinia
- campylobacter
Genital infection:
- chlamydia
arthritis, uveitis, urethritis, keratoderma
Which HLA is reactive arthritis associated with?
What triggers gonococcal arthritis (type of septic arthritis)
Neisseria gonorrhoea
tenosynovitis, migratory polyarthritis, dermatitis,
What is the most common GI manifestation of SLE?
mouth ulcer
What is mononeuritis vs multiplex
Mononeuritis is inflammation of a single nerve
mononeuritis multiplex is inflammation of two or more nerves.
What are the symptoms of EDS?
recurrent dislocation
skin laxity
Outline management of Takayasu arteritis
First: steroid
Second: steroid sparing
- methotrexate
- azathioprine
- cyclophosphamide
What is the most common hand presentation of psoriatic arthritis?
nail dystrophy
What is the investigation of choice to confirm diagnosis of gout/pseudogout
joint aspiration and microscopy
Which HLA is associated with RA?
and DR1
How does Behcet manifest the skin?
erythema nodosum
What is mixed connective tissue disease?
Systemic sclerosis
What are the side effects of GOLD in RA treatment?
pulmonary fibrosis
Why does SLE present with normocytic anaemia with low WCC or platelet?
body’s immune system mistakenly attacks and destroys healthy blood cells, including platelets and certain types of white blood cells, due to the autoimmune nature of the disease
Which DMARD is not used in spinal disease in ank spond
What is rheumatoid factor
IgM that target Fc portion of IgG
What is microscopic polyangitis?
small-vessel ANCA vasculitis.
fever, fatigue, weight loss
cough, SOB- pulmonary
Which autoantibody is microscopic polyangitis associated with?
pANCA (70%)
against MPO
What type of immunoglobulin is anti GBM
Good pastures (IgGood)
What are the 3 diagnostic methods for polymyositis?
Muscle biopsy
What is the diagnostic imaging for avascular necrosis?
What arthroscopic findings are seen in RA of synovial joint?
vascular proliferation-> permeable
Which patients are offered DEXA scan?
> 50 with fragility fracture
<40 with major fragility fracture
Note if on long term steroid-no need for DEXA
and start alendronate, calcium, vit D
What happens to the complement levels in active SLE?
What are seronegative arthritis?
Enterpathic arthritis
Ankylosing spondylitis
Reactive arthritis
What antibody is associated with mixed connective tissue disease?
Which vasculitis cause nasal bridge dipping, sinusitis, epistaxis, haemoptysis?
What is the pleural tap result of RA effusion?
low glucose
high LDH
low pH
What does normal CXR tell you about latent TB whilst on anti-TNF?
cannot rule out reactivation
Which chromosome is haemochromatosis defective HFE gene on?
What is de quervain synovitis?
base of thumb pain
Why is allopurinol not given in acute gout?
can worsen the acute phase including worsening joint pain and fever
give 4-6 weeks after acute management
What test is performed for assessing stiffness of the back for ank spond?
schober test
What spinal movements are limited in ank spond?
forward flexion
lateral lumbar flexion
What should you do with the steroid dose with SLE flare secondary to infection?
double dose for adrenal support
Should you continue hydroxychloroquine in acute illness?
what do you call a chronic osteomyelitis with abscess near site of metaphysis?
Brodie’s abscess
What is the radiological feature of Ewing sarcoma?
onion peel
What is myasethenia gravis auto antibody?
anti-acetylcholinesterase receptor antibody
Outline symptoms of radial, ulnar and median neuropathy
Radial= wrist drop
Ulnar= weak hypothenar
Median= weak thenar
What are the 3 nephropathies associated with ank spond?
AA amyloidosis:
- enlarged kidney (deposit)
- apple green bifringence
NSAID nephropathy
IgA nephropathy
- haematuria
- hypertension
Which features indicate worse prognosis in RA?
- female
- gradual onset over few months
- postivie IgM RF
- anaemia within 3 months
- Anti-CCP positivity
What are the risk factors for AVN?
Steroid/sickle cell
What is the first line management for pain in ank spond?
What is the most appropriate management for early ank spond without syndesmophytes?
Paramount to prevent stiffness early ,!!!
What is the prevalence of RA?
1% in western world
0.2% in china japan
Outline sequence of spinal changes in ank spond
blurring upper and lower vertebral rims => enthesitis causing bony spurs (syndesmophytes) => fusion and sclerosis => calcification of intervertebral ligament
Outline the sequence of bony changes in OA
limited ROM => joint crepitus and instability
Loss of Joint Space
Subchondral Cysts
Subchondral Sclerosis
Why is there anaemia in chronic inflammation?
Suppression of EPO
Outline the vitamin D activation pathway
Vit D in skin photoactivated forming cholecalciferol-> liver converts to 25 hydrocycholecalciferol -> kidney 1 alfa hydroxylase converts to 1,25 dihydrocycholecalciferol
What is mononeuritis multiplex?
neuropathy of 2 or more peripheral nerves not related anatomically
What is the mechanism of action of colchicine?
xanthine oxidase inhibitor
How does thoracic outlet obstruction present?
disappearance of pulse on raising arm
When is anti-TNF contraindicated?
comorbid MS
active Hep B/C
What renal manifestation occurs with SLE?
lupus nephritis
What does TNF alfa do to insulin resistance?
increases insulin resistance
Which hand joints are most affected in RA?
What does low volume voltage QRS indicate ?
cardiac tamponade
What is the action of tocolizumab for RA?
IL-6 inhibitor
note TNF alfa also reduced IL 6
What is the most common pulmonary manifestation of SLE?
Pleural effusion
What is the problem with serum urate levels for gout?
40% can be normal
in those on diuretics can have asymptomatic hyperuricaemia without gout
What is the significance of weakly positive RF?
negligible in elderly
What does polyarthritis in peripheral joints, red painful swollen suggest?
What is a risk factor of raloxifene (serm)
endometrial ca
increased clotting risk
What complication can occur in chronic RA of knee?
baker cyst from persistent effusion
What is IgA nephropathy also known as?
Berger disease
Differentiate between IgA nephropathy and post strep glomerulonephritis?
IgA nephropathy:
- 2 days post URTI
- Associated with HSP (abdo pain, buttock petechiae)
Post strep glomerulonephritis:
- 2 weeks post URTI
On rituximab and presents with deranged LFT- what reactivation risk is there?
?reactivation of hep B
What is an investigation of choice for Behcet?
pathergy test
shows hypersensitivity reaction at venepuncture site i.e pustule forms
Which drug classes can cause drug induced lupus?
AED (carba/valproate)
Abx (linezolid)
Anti-inflammatory (sulfasala/penicillamine)
What does gritty red eye with normal vision suggest?
Outline management for RA?
DMARD monotherapy +/- a short-course of bridging prednisolone.
flares of RA are often managed with corticosteroids - oral or intramuscular
TNF-inhibitor is an inadequate response to at least two DMARDs including methotrexate.
- AEI (adalimumab, etanacept, infliximab)
- rituximab
Outline management of SLE
First-line options include: (NHS)
- Hydroxychloroquine
- Steroids (e.g., prednisolone)
Treatment options for resistant or more severe SLE include:
- (e.g., methotrexate, mycophenolate mofetil or cyclophosphamide)
- Biologic therapies
Axial ank spond management
Psoriasis with skin involvement management
Psoriasis without skin involvement