MQF Glareshield / FCU [Auto Flight/Flight Controls] Flashcards
What are some causes for an AUTOLAND light?
- Excessive LOC or GS deviation or signal failure
- Radio altimeter difference of greater than 15 feet
- Both autopilots fail
Explain the side stick operation and the associated glare shield SIDE STICK PRIORITY light.
- Normally only one side stick should be operated at any given time.
- Should there be dual inputs, an aural “DUAL INPUT” will be annunciated
over the speaker and the SIDE STICK PRIORITY green CAPT and F/O
lights will flash. Side stick inputs are algebraically summed. - Any time a pilot monitoring has to assume control, it MUST be verbally
annunciated (“I HAVE CONTROL”). An aural alert “PRIORITY LEFT (RIGHT)” will be annunciated over the speaker and the SIDE STICK PRIORITY red arrow light will illuminate in front of the pilot losing authority - If the pilot previously flying does not relinquish control (or if there is a malfunction present) the light in front of the pilot with priority lights up it will go out when the other pilot returns the stick to the neutral position, the side stick can be rendered inoperative by holding the takeover push button for 40 seconds.
- The pilot having lost side stick authority can regain it by momentarily pressing the takeover pushbutton
- Red Arrow light is illuminated on the pilot losing authority
- The Green CAPT / FO lights flash when both pilots move the side stick