Movement Disorders Flashcards
What is movement disorder
- a group of neurological conditions that cause abnormal movements
- these may be voluntary or involuntary, increased, reduced or slow
- movement disorders neurologists focus their practice on these
Cerebellar dysfunction
- affects rate, range, and force of voluntary movement
- damage may result from CVA, TBI, MS, tumor, degeneration or alcoholism
Cerebellar dysfunction
- Ataxia
- dysmetria
- dysdiadochokinesia
- intention tremor
- decreased balance
- gait dysfunction
- dysarthria
Basal ganglia disorder
- parkinson’s disease (PD)
- parkinson-plus syndromes
- parkinonsim (umbrella term for presenting with ataxia/rigidity)
Basal ganglia
hyperkinetic disorders
- Huntington’s diseas
- choreathetoid CP
- hemiballismus
- dystonia
- tardive dyskinesia
- touretts
Parkinson’s disease
- akinesia/hypokinesia
- rigidity
- freezing during movement
- postural instability
- resting tremor
- visuoperceptive impairments
- non motor signs: depression, psychosis, dementia, autonmic dysfunction
T = tremor R = rigidity A = Akinesia P = postural instbaility, lack of reactive and or anticipatory postural control 3/4 needed
Parkinson-plus syndromes
red flags to help dx
- Early postural instability,
- rapid progression,
- respirtory dysfunction,
- abnormal postures,
- uncontrollable inappropriate laughing/crying
- signs of cerebellar, corticospinal or voluntary gaze dysfunction
Parkinson plus syndromes include
- progressive supranuclear palsy
- corticobasal degeneration
- lewy body dementia
- multple system atrophy
Parkinson plus syndromes
Progressive supranuclear palsy
- gait instability with backward falls
- axial rigidity
- freezing of gait
- apathy/depression/psychosis/rage attacks
- supranuclear gaze palsy
- dysphagia
- dysarthria
Parkinson plus syndromes
corticobasal degneration
- decrease in speech
- loss of awareness of personal appearnace and hygiene
- inappropriate behavior
- decreased conscern of empathy
- alien limb
- still jerky limb posturing
- apraxia may inhibit everday activities
Parkinson plus syndromes
lewy body dementia
- early generalized cognitive decline
- visual hallucinations
- motor signs indistinguihable from akinetic/rigid parkinons’s disease
Parkinson plus syndromes
Multiple systems atrophy
- akinetic/rigid syndrome
- Cerebellar signs: dysarthria, truncal ataxia, narrow based ataxia gait
- autonomic dysfunction
- corticospinal tract dysfunction
Parkinson plus syndromes
MSA: named for..
1st structure affected
MSA-C: cerebellar signs
- incoordination
- dysarthria
- balance deficits
MSA-P: parkinsonian signs
- rigidity
- bradykinesia
MSA with orthostatic hypotension
- autonmoic dysfunction
- disorders with signs that mimic PD
- origin is known to be toxic, infectious, traumatic etc
drug induced parkinsonism
- subacute, bilateral onset with rapid pprogression
- early postural tremor
- involuntary movemetns of face and mouth
chronic traumatic encephalopathy CTE
- multiple incidents of head trauma causes accumulation of Tau protin in multiple areas of the brain
- parkinsonism
- disordered thinking
- depression
- decreased memory/executive dysfunction
- disinhibition
Huntington’s disease
- autosomal dominant genetic disorder
- usualy maifests after age 30
huntingtons disease
- chorea: involtunary jerky, rapid movements
- athetosis: rhythmical worm-life movements
- dementia, depression
Choreathetoid dyskinetic CP
- assoicated with lesions involving both basal ganaglia and ventrolateral thalamus
- dystonia
- abnormal posture
- choreathetoid movements
- abnormal postures or repetitive twisting movemetns
- focal: limited to one boyd part, may only occur during a specific task, usually non-progressive
- generalized: involve limbs and trunk, often progressive
cervical dystonia: spasmodic torticollis
Tardive dyskinesia
- involuntary movements especially of lower face and tongue
- side effect of antipsych drugs
- usually long term use
- more frequent in older women
Tourett’s disorder
- abnormal dopamine and NE
- motor, limbic, and behavioral cortico-basal ganglia-thalamic circuits also implicated
- childhood onset
- causes vocal and motor tics
- abrupt repetitive sterotyped movements
- stress, environment and fatigue can exacerbate tics