Mouth and esophagus cont'd Flashcards
What is the oral phase of swallowing?
The tongue presses against the roof of the mouth initiating sensors in the pharynx which begins the swallowing reflex.
What occurs during the pharyngeal phase of the swallowing reflex?
As food moves into the pharynx, the soft palate moves down perventing regurg, the vocal cords and larynx move upward.
The upper esophageal sphincter relaxes and the food moves into the pharynx stimulating peristalsis.
What occurs during the esophageal phase of the swallowing reflex?
Neurotransmitters, Ach, NO and VIP aid in sending peristalstic waves moving the bolus of food into the stomach.
What nervous system controls the motor activity of the esophagus?
The vagal inputs are able to control the esophagus.
What excitatory molecule is distributed by the vagal nerve to the esophagus?
What inhibitory molecules are distributed by the vagal nerve to the esophagus distal to the bolus?
What is Achlasia?
Denervation of the esophageal smooth muscle which impairs the function of the lower esophageal sphincter.
A patient suffering with reflux disease, ulcers, gallstones, or pancreatitis are more likely to have what sort of stomach herniation?
Paraesophageal hiatal hernia, the greater curvature of the stomach projects into a hole or opening of the diaphragm.
Coughing, bending, tight clothing, ascites, obesity, and pregnancy are all symptoms that can lead to what sort of esophageal herniation?
Diaphragmatic esophageal hernia.
What disease can lead to impaired salivary secretion?
Cystic fibrosis through the loss of the CFTR chloride conducting channel.