Liver and Gall Bladder Flashcards
What do hepatic satellite cells do?
These regulate the flow of blood constituents between the fenestrae and across the space of disse to the hepatocytes.
Where is the space of disse located?
Located between the hepatocytes and the endothelium.
Na-taurocholate cotranspoting polypeptide
Organic anion transport protein
Bilitranslocase are all involved in what process within the liver?
All involved in uptake of compounds from the blood acting as transporters.
Dihydrodiol dehydrogenase
Glutathione-S-trasferase B
Fatty-acid-binding protein are all part of what process within the liver?
These three compounds are proteins that bind substances taken up by the hepatocytes.
Describe Phase I biotransformation
Hydrolytic reactions causing exposure of a functional group on the parent compound.
Describe Phase II biotransformation
Yields water soluble conjugated products allowing for transport into the bile canuliculi and eventually into the bile duct for excretion.
Back into the blood for kidney excretion.
Phase II reactions include what types of conjugation?
Bile-Salt export pump Multidrug resistance-associated protein and Multi-specific-organic-anion transporters are all involved in what process
These three transporters are involved in moving products of biotransformation into the blood or bile for excretion.
How are biles salts made?
Hepatocytes transfer cholesterol derived bile acids into bile salts via Phase I and phase II bio-transformation
The recycling of bile salts is mediated through what pathway?
Mediated through the enterohepatic circulation.
Gall bladder smooth muscle contraction is initiated by what?
Cholecystokinin (CCK) released by duodenal cells and the vagus stimulates release of Ach.
What inhibits gall bladder smooth muscle contraction?
Somatostatin inhibits contraction of gallbladder smooth muscle.
Varices, Splenomegaly, ascites, and hepatic encephalopathy are all signs of what clinical condition?
Portal hypertension in which there is high blood pressure in the portal venous system.
Alcoholic cirrhosis is defgined as the accumulation of what?
Ethanol and ethanol metabolite acetylaldehyde disrupting hepatocyte function resulting in cell death.
Biliary cirhosis has what defining characteristics?
Impediment of bile flow through blockae of the bile canaliculi or bile duct as result of an autoimmune response amongst other sources of blockage.