Motor Control I Flashcards
what are the 3 different levels of motor control functional hierarchy?
Strategy – the goal and the movement strategy to best achieve this goal
Tactics – the sequence of spatiotemporal muscle contractions to achieve a goal smoothly and accurately
Execution – activation of motor neuron and interneuron pools to generate goal-directed movement
what structures are part of the function strategy?
Association neocortex, basal ganglion
what structures are part of the function tactics?
Motor cortex, cerebellum
what structures are part of the function execution?
Brain stem, spinal cord
what do the lateral pathways of the spinal cord control?
voluntary movements of distal muscles – under direct cortical control
what do ventromedial pathways of the spinal cord control?
posture and locomotion – under brain stem control
what is the important/longest lateral pathway?
Cortocospinal tract (CST)
where does the CST originate from?
areas 4 and 6 of frontal motor cortex – rest is somatosensory
where does the CST decussate(cross over)?
at medulla/spinal cord junction
what is the smaller lateral pathway?
rubrospinal tract (RST)
where does the RST start in?
red nucleus of midbrain – inputs from same cortical areas as CST
what occurs if there is a lesion of CST and RST?
fine movements of arms and hands lost. Can’t move shoulders, elbows, wrist and fingers independently.
what occurs if there is a lesion of CST alone?
same deficits, but after few months functions reappear. Been taken over by RST
what two ventromedial pathways control posture and locomotion?
Vestibulospinal(VST) and Tectospinal(TST) tracts
what is the role of VST & TST?
VST stabilizes head and neck
TST ensures eyes remain stable as body moves