Coma, Persistent Vegetative State, Brain Death Flashcards
what is a coma?
A state of unrousable psychological unresponsiveness in which the subjects lie with eyes closed and show no psychologically understandable response to external stimulus or inner need
what 2 things does consciousness depend on?
an intact ascending reticular activating system to act as the alerting or awakening element of consciousness
a functioning cerebral cortex of both hemispheres which determines the content of that consciousness
what are causes of decreasing GCS?
Toxic/metabolic states
Damage to reticular activating system
Causes of raised intracranial pressure
what is a persistent vegetative state?
A state in which the brain stem recovers to a considerable extent but there is no evidence of recovery of cortical function
what is “Locked-in” Syndrome?
The patient has total paralysis below the level of the third nerve nuclei and, although able to open, elevate and depress the eyes, has no horizontal eye movements and no other voluntary eye movement
how does different breathing states give insight to the cause?
Depressed respiration - drug overdose, metabolic disturbance
Increased respiration - hypoxia, hypercapnia, acidosis
Fluctuating respiration - brainstem lesion
on resuscitation what investigations should be done?
Blood samples
glucose, biochemistry, haematology, blood gas
Examine for evidence of meningitis - treat on suspicion
what GCS is regarded as being in a coma?
Eye opening - 2 or less
Verbal response - 2 or less
Motor response - 4 or less
how can the brainstem function be tested?
Pupillary reactions Corneal responses Spontaneous eye movements Oculocephalic responses (Doll’s eye) Oculovestibular responses Respiratory pattern
how can the motor function be tested?
Motor response
Muscle tone
Tendon reflexes
what are causes of a coma without focal or lateralising signs and without meningism?
Anoxic/ ischaemic conditions Metabolic disturbances Intoxications Systemic infections Hyperthermia/ Hypothermia Epilepsy
what are investigations for a coma without focal or lateralising signs and without meningism?
Toxicology screen including alcohol level Measure blood sugar and electrolytes Assess hepatic and renal function Acid - base assessment and blood gases Measure blood pressure Consider carbon monoxide poisoning
what are causes of a coma without focal or lateralising signs but with meningism?
Subarachnoid Haemorrhage
what are investigations for a coma without focal or lateralising signs but with meningism?
CT head scan
Lumbar puncture Appearance Cell count Glucose level Capsular antigen tests
what are causes of a coma with focal or lateralising signs?
Cerebral tumour
Cerebral haemorrhage
Cerebral infarction
Cerebral abscess
what are investigations for a coma with focal or lateralising signs?
CT or MRI obligatory
If CT/MRI not diagnostic, then investigate as for other causes of coma e.g. including
metabolic screens, lumbar puncture, EEG
what are “Medical” causes of coma lasting more than 5 hours
40% due to drug ingestion ± alcohol
25% due to hypoxia e.g. secondary to MI
20% due to cerebrovascular event, either haemorrhage or infarction
15% metabolic e.g. diabetes
what is the outcome of a non-traumatic coma for more than 6 hours?
15% good or moderate recovery
85% will die, remain vegetative or reach a state of severe disability in which they remain dependent
what is the outcome of a non-traumatic coma for less than 6 hours?
good recovery is seen in:
35% of those with underlying metabolic cause
11% of those with hypoxic ischaemic insult
7% of those with cerebrovascular disease
how can a head injury lead to focal neurological signs/Epilepsy?
Diffuse axonal injury Contusion Intracerebral haematoma Extra-cerebral haematoma : -Extra-dural haematoma -Sub-dural haematoma
how is Sub-dural/Extra-dural haematoma seen on a CT?
Subdural haematoma ellipse
Extradural haematoma
concave/convex (lens)
how is increased ICP treated?
Surgery to relieve pressure -heamatoma, ventricular shunt
Osmotic agents e.g. mannitol
Nurse with head at 30-45% (Venous return)
Reduce pain
Maintain good PO2, reduce PCO2
Reduce metabolism (reduce temperature, barbiturates)