Motor Behaviour in Later Childhood and Adolescence Flashcards
during later childhood there is an increase in use of?
application of FMS
changes in physical growth , body structure, and physiological development combine to produce ? performance, while continuing to refine the ?
- product
- process
true or false: virtually all aspects of product-orientated performance show upward trend with age
describe the gender related differences in motor skills from 3 years of age
girls: greater at hopping, skipping, fine motor control
boys: running, throwing, jumping, more active
at age 3, differences in gender are largely due to what?
environmental (parents push their kids in gender based paths)
describe maturation differences between boys and girls
Girls: mature earlier; less muscle mass; mechanical advantage; longer arms; wider shoulders; wider hips; more body fat
Boys: Better at skills requiring balance; disadvantaged in motor tasks requiring moving mass against gravit
what can help with biological differences between genders?
what accounts for variation?
- -> especially in tasks involving ?
- -> what plays a big role?
social and cultural agents
- -> a high degree of skill
- -> practice, friends influence, forming basic skills at a young age
variation in development of motor skills is based on what ?
girls running speeds start to decrease form that of boys at what age?
shown on graph
throwing distance pf females starts to decrease from boys at what age?
what percent of children drop out of sport annually in north america ?
The proportion of Canadian adolescents participating regularly in sport has dropped from ? in 1992 to ? in 2005
75% - 58%
4 main areas that contribute to children participation in sports
–> they all lead to
1.perceived competence
2. perceived social support
3. positive and negative effect
4. motivation
= global self worth
2 highest intrapersonal reasons for drop out
perceptions of physical competence and lack of enjoyment