Motivation Flashcards
What is motivation?
- The proces that initiates, guides and maintains goal oriented behaviours
- The driving force behind the actions we take to get closer to reaching our goals
What are 4 sources of motivation?
- Physiological
- Cognitions
- Emotions
- Social
Explain the physiological source of motivation
- Motivation that arises from the body urging you to reach a goal
- Occures due to your body needing to maintain homeostasis urging us to eat, drink, sleep, mate, survive
Explain the cognitions source of motivation
- Thoughts, perceptions and understandings of the world around us will influence our motivation across all aspects of life
Explain the emotional source of motivation
- Our feelings play on our motivations just as much as cognitions, meaning we can make logically questionable decisions due to our emotions
Explain the social source of motivation
- Peer pressure and other social pressures can motivate us to act in ways that please our crowd and allow us to fit in
Who made the self-determination theory
Deci & Ryan
Explain the self-determination theory
- Focusses on the motivation behind the decisions people make
- Argues that people are motivated to grow, learn and change their lives, if their 3 baisic psychological needs are satisfied
What are the 3 psychological needs in the self-determination theory?
- Autonomy
- Competence
- Relatedness
Explain autonomy as a psychological need
- People need to feel in control of their own behaviours and goals
- Sense of being able to take direct action that results in a real change in ones life, allows people to feel self-determined
Explain competence as a psychological need
- Individuals must feel effective in their environment
- People need to master and learn different skills, whem people feel they have the skills for success they are more likely to take action
Explain relatedness as a psychological need
- People have a need to care for others and feel cared for and supported by others. A sense of belonging, attachment and connectedness
- Feeling supported by others allows us to develop motivation to make change
What are the 3 types of motivation in the self-determination theory?
- Amotivation
- Extrinsic motivation
- Intrinsic motivation
What is amotivation?
- Describes the lack of motivation due to feeling incompetent
- Occurs when an individual deems they are not able to complete a task, so they lose motivation to do it
- Occurs when psychological needs are not met, leading to negative psychological consequences
What is extrinsic motivation?
- Occurs when people do an activity because they expect a reward or avoid punishment (due to external factors)
- Occurs when some psychologcal needs are met
What is intrinsic motivation?
- Occurs when people do something because they find it interesting or enjoyable
- Impacted by the individuals attitudes and beliefs
- Occurs when all psychological needs are met
Who theorised the hierachy of needs?
Explain the hierachy of needs theory of motivation
- Describes hoe motivation to self-actualise is at the core of personality development
- Humans motivated by needs arranged in a hierachy, survival needs at the bottom and creative needs at the top
- Once each need is met, people strive to reach the next need in the hierachy
What are the 5 needs in the hierachy of needs theory from bottom to top?
- Physiological needs
- Safety needs
- Belongingness and love needds
- Esteem needs
- Self-actualisation
Explain physiological needs and give some examples
- Biological requirements for human survival
- These will motivate our behaviour more than anything if lacking
eg. Air, food, water
Explain safety needs and give some examples
- People want to experience order, predictability and control in their lives
eg. security, safety against harm
Explain belongingness and love needs and give some examples
- As humans we have an emotional need for interpersonal relationships, connectedness and being part of a group
- Can override safety needs
eg. Friends, family, partners
Explain esteem needs and give some examples
- Typical human desire is to be accepted and valed by others
- People usually engage in a proffession or hobby to gain recognition, giving someone a sense of contribution
- Esteem can be for ourself or ascceptance from others (independence vs status)
eg. Playing a sport to gain a sense of accomplishment
Explain self-actualisation needs and give some examples
- Realisation and achievement of a persons full potential
- Most people won’t truley achieve this stage, instead temporary moments called peak experiences
- People will always look for ways to improve themselves to self-actualise