More Male Repro Flashcards
Where is the True Pelvis found
Above Pelvic Diaphragm
The Lateral Border of pelvic Inlet is
Ilipectinaeal Line
The posterior border of pelvic inlet is
Sacral Promontory
Anterior border of pelvic inlet is
Pubic Symphysis
Anterior border of Pelvic outlet
Pubic Arch
Lateral Border of Pelvic Outlet
Ischial Tuberosity and Sacrotuberous Lig
Posterior Border of Pelvic Outlet
Coccyx Tip
What sacrum is shorter/less curved male or female
The Pelvic Diaphragm is made up of
Levator Ani and Coccygeus
The Levator Ani is made up of what three muscles
Pubococcygeus, Puborectalis and Iliococcygeus
Which pouch is in posterior peritoneum
Recto-Uterine (Pouch of Douglas)
Which pouch is in anterior peritoneum
Vesicouterine Pouch
Which ligament covers the uterus and fallopian tubes
Broad Ligament
Which part of broad ligament covers ovaries
Which part of broad ligament covers fallopian tubes
Which part of broad ligament covers uterus
The round ligament is a remnant of the
embryology gubernaculum
Which ligament carries the ovarian artery and vein
Suspensory Ligament
The ovarian artery originates from
Abdo Aorta
The ovaries are embedded in the posterior aspect of which ligament
The uterus is said to be what with respect to cervix
The fundus of the uterus is said to be what with respect to uterus
The pudental nerve passes from pelvis to perineum via
Greater and Lesser Sciatc Foramen
Which landmark to use for pudental nerve block
Ischial Spine
What carries the urethra in males
Corpus Spongiosum
What supports the glans of spongiosum
Corpora Cavernosa
The obturator foramen in males is
the obturator foramen in females is
Piriformis arises from
The most anterior part of pelvic floor is
The pudental nerve leaves pelvis via
Greater Sciatic Foramen
What muscle lies on the posterior wall of the true pelvis?
Which main lumbar plexus nerve lies on the side-wall of the true pelvis?
Obturator Nerve
What muscle forms the floor of the true pelvis?
Levator Ani
Testis develops where
L2 Posterior Abdo Wall
What forms the lower limit of the superficial perineal space (pouch)?
Colles Fascia
What forms the lower limit of the deep perineal space (pouch)?
Perineal Membrane
Identify the pairs of muscles seen in the superficial perineal space?
Bulbospongiosus, Ischiocavernosus, Superficial Transverse Perineal
Bulbospongiosus, Ischiocavernosus, Superficial Transverse Perineal innervation
Pudental S2-4
Which nerve stimulation produces increased vaginal secretion, erection of clitoris and engorgement of erectile tissues in the bulbs of the vestibule?
Duct of the greater vestibular gland opens into the vestibule
lateral to vaginal orifice
What is the motor innervation of the perineal muscle?
Pudental nerve
Where would urine extravasate (leak) to if the the membranous urethra were damaged in a male
Superficial Perineal Space
Right ovarian vein drains into
Left ovarian vein drains into
Left renal veins